suggestions on how to get through seperation anxiety?

so Joel’s always been a very social baby and loves people. He’s never seemed to have a problem with other people watching him, but just this week he’s been screaming whenever we leave him in the nursery at church or with anyone (even family). I know this is normal, but I’m just curious what other people done to deal with this, and what suggestions you might have. Mostly, I just need encouragement. Thanks, Apryl

I hated leaving when my baby was crying and reaching out for me. It hurt so much to walk away from him! I think it’s a lot harder on us, because a few minutes after you are out of sight, the babies are usually distracted and fine again, but we’re still thinking about it until we see our little one again.

Separation anxiety also often comes and goes. Your baby may get over it for a few weeks, then it comes back. You can play a lot of peek a boo games when you are together to reinforce that you are coming back when he can’t see you. Usually when leaving him with someone, it’s best to not prolong the good bye, even when he is howling. Leaving a favorite blanket or other comforting item can help. One mother found out that if she left her keys, her child (older, I think) felt reassured she was coming back.

Hang in there. It passes eventually.

It is hard!! Catalina is 14 months, she has never been away from us, no day cares, never have baby sitter, she is a really sociable baby, smiling…etc, BUT ehen somebody wants to hold her and take away from my arms or daddys…she will start screaming and freaking out badly…I think is a process,and it is natural because she has never been away from us, but I just started to take her more places with lots of people and lots of kids , like zoo,or meeting with friends…hopefully that will change.So it is not that hard when she starts going to preschool.

i am still waiting for him to get over it. He likes to be carried and have people around and watch/company him as he play. I have to get a maid to watch him when he plays. cos he did not like to play alone. Even though i am only a short distant away - where he still can sees me, He still want me / people to stay beside him. Its very tough and draining for me as i cant do any work at all / rest with him constantly need my attention… :frowning: