Suggestions for teaching a 3 month old


My DD will be 3 months in a week - time flies!

I am thinking of showing her

  • Doman Flash Cards - 3 sets 5x a day (if I can … if not minimun of 3 times a day)
  • YBCR
  • Tweedlewink - how many times a day have people successfully shown it to their kids?
  • Wink to Learn Chinese - 2 times a day for 3 days then moving on to the next lesson, as per instructions given
  • not sure about showing dots at this stage - is it worth while starting them at the same time?
  • not sure about doing EK (haven’t got any cards prepared yet anyway)
  • not sure about starting Little Reader

I currently do singing with motor activities based loosely on the gymbaroo/kindergym philosophies during her main awake times (3 times a day)

So … I was wondering

A) what people thought about the combination - is it too much to start off with, or should I gradually introduce things eg. just do words, YBCR and one of the right brain DVDs

B) has anyone had success with showing a 3 month old Little Reader? (I haven’t loaded it up yet :blush:)

C) anyone had suggestions how to timetable everything in.

D) any comments/criticisms about what I’m hoping on doing … or ideas on what I should be doing?

a big THANK-YOU in advance!!

Check out this thread

It has plenty of answers and ideas, as we had the same discussion a little while ago here. Hopes this is a help!

Feel free to ask questions, I found it is a great opportunity to drow from resources and experiences of others, – truly priceless!

And have a good luck and lots of fun with your baby! :slight_smile:

Just play, play, play with your baby and enjoy her! You have so much time to formally educate her. Playing is teaching at this point. :slight_smile:

Thanks Skylark - yes I have previously read the thread you started. I was hoping to get more specific answers to my questions.

Karianne - I am doing lots of play - singing songs and doing fun activities based loosely on what kids do at gymbaroo/kindergym.

Thanks for the info so far - I hope that others can post or PM me suggestions/answers

It’s just my opinion, but I think you should relax and not over schedule your baby.

I would personally hold off on all the video viewing for a few more months. You’re saying that you are going to show 3 different videos a day? I think that is too many even for older babies, but I definitely think it is too much for a 3 month old. Their vision isn’t well developed yet, and they don’t need to sit in front of a TV so much. If you absolutely insist on showing videos now, I would keep it to under 30 minutes a day.

Just make out a list of priorities and start there. Write it down. If your first priority is reading, then you can do flashcards and read books, and then try YBCR and LR. Then just keep incorporating new material, as you go down your list and review the old material. I don’t know about a timetable, every one here just has different priorities and I think fit in the things that are most important to you. It’s hard to not have things planned out in advanced, but once you make a list of priorities, even though you don’t have a 2 year timetable completely filled out, you will feel more confident. Your eyes won’t “get big” if you see some one else’s child doing X because you will know your priorities are mapped out.