Suggestions for Baby Math Activities

I am looking for suggestions of what type of ‘Math Games’ I can play with my 7 month old son.

I just finished the first part of Doman’s Math program (Quantity 1-100, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). I will continue with more equations, but I also wanted to start playing some math games. We use LM on the computer and it keeps his interest for a very limited time frame (10 seconds or less). I need activities we can play together. I have been struggling because of course he keeps chewing on everything. He really loves to chew paper, so anything with paper is out. Is it just too early to be trying games? Or am I just too sleep deprived to be creative? In either case if you have any suggestions I would love to read them.

Hi Khatty,

My son is almost one now and he still loves putting everything in his mouth after he is done shaking, banging, inspecting…
On LM I change the background color to keep his interest.
For some months now I have introduced him to number magnets by melissa and doug and number bean bags by educational insights to play various math games. (I also got their alphabet, phonics, shapes, and colors bean bags)
I found a bath book with the number 1 to 10 with cute pics of 1 drum, 2 spaceships, 3 balls and so on by Mom, Dad and Baby. I love the bath books because he can chew on them as much as he wants.
I always play with the numbers out loud with him and so far he has been an atteventive audience and I am hoping by having him watch and listen to me play with the numbers he is catching on. Sometimes he picks the number I am saying but I am not sure if it is only a concidence or not. Since he is learning through the quantitative approach I also use his toys to show equations. 2 blocks plus 3 blocks equals 5 blocks. Then I let him knock them down and we celebrate and start all over again.

I have been wondering the same thing! I’m about to finish division, and I’m not sure what to do next. Doman’s section on “Number Personalities” in How to Teach Your Baby Math is geared toward older kids, who care about arranging and organizing things. That’s not going to happen right now. Piling pennies is not going to work.

I like the idea about blocks. Or any toy I have for her, really. Books, dinosaurs, balls … I can add and subtract them. I don’t know about multiplying and dividing, though.

Beads on a string might work for the larger numbers. No way can I work with 37 blocks at a time, but a string of 37 beads (maybe labeled) would be pretty easy. 37 beads times 2 beads equals 74 beads? Don’t know how to make that into a game, though. Maybe tying the strings together and giving them to her? At least they’re manipulatable. That’s her big thing right now: touching everything!

I’ll have to keep brainstorming and share what I try. I hope you will too!

I’ll be watching this thread with anticipation.

A few things I’ve thought of…

-count, add, subtract, group, multiply, divide the food you give to baby. Dry cereal, peas, corn, raisins, small bits could all be easily counted and eaten (and then counted backwards!). Mushy food could be divided into 2 to show half, and so on. You could make 3 groups of 2 cheerios, and then count to see what 3 times 2 is.

-I love the strung beads idea. You could even make baby friendly Montessori bead material (much bigger beads), or wait until the mouthing phase is over.

How do you like the bean bags? I wanted to get them actually they are on my daughter’s wishlist for her birthday so if she doesn’t get them from someone I may order them for her? I am trying to find alternative ways to teach her math. She doesn’t want to watch LM anymore no matter what I do. She just says NO I don’t like Math. I don’t like Numbers. Which kills me!!! So we don’t do it. I do flash cards and I play with items and we count them and I show her how to add and subtract with things but it gets boring doing the same old thing. I do wish she would watch LM again because I know she would retai n the information like she has with LR and other videos. Don’t get me wrong I love doing off screen educational play but sometimes I need a break to clean or take care of something and the videos help they are short and educational. Math is really important for me to teach my daughter because I did not love it when I was a child and I wish I did and I want to make it easier for her.

Are there any Math DVDs out there?

I do sit with my baby to watch LM and I am very interactive. However, sometimes it is nice to get a few seconds to make dinner or clean the high chair. I haven’t been using the TV or computer at all with my baby, but maybe if I had a Math type DVD I could plug it in and get something (anything!) cleaned.

He loves the bean bags.
Through this forum I found these math and science dvds

We also have various leapfrog math dvds… numbers ahoy etc.
munchkin math dvds
Professor Harlod’s video flashcards

But we do not spend too much time watching dvds so he has not even seen all of these yet. I have just been collecting them for later.
I also buy alot of math oriented storybooks. The MathStart series levels 1-3. The Sir Cumference Series. Mummy Math… we have so many it would take a long time to list.

I tried the beads idea - actually it ended up being pompoms on dental floss because that was so much cheaper. She loves it! She holds the strings and moves the pompoms, and I narrate what math is happening: “Here is your 15 bead string. 15 minus 3 equals 12. 12 plus 1 equals 13.” I made several 15 strings and a couple of 18 strings, and sometimes I add or multiply strings and then give them to her: “15 times 2 equals 30.” It’s one of her favorite toys. In the future I want to make every fifth pompom a specific color; right now I have to stop and count too often.

This idea would take up a vast amount of space to do a full Montessori bead set this way, but it’s a cute idea for the little ones.

I would still watch them close, my son one bit off a chunk of foam from a similar outdoor toy, but in general they’re not near as much of a choke hazard as little tiny beads.

We also finished Doman math and I did not know what to do later. Have you heard about th 62 day Shichida math program? I will start to show this math when we will return home from the vacation.