I do daycare for a 3 y/o with Down Syndrome. She comes to my house about 7:00am, takes a nap around 9:00am wakes and eats lunch around 11:00am. Goes to preschool at 12:15 and returns about 3:15. Mom comes sometime between 3:30-4:45. I have three good hours with her a day.
We are currently using LR and doing Jones Genius Matrix Math with her. She will pay attention to LR as long as the words are words she wants to know. Otherwise she sits down and won’t watch. When we work on numbers - if I say “This is a 2, can you say 2?” She will say 3, even though she can say 2. I usually try to make a game of it, but she is quite stubborn. Her parents have bought into the idea that the best we can hope for is that she is sort of independant and will live in a local D.S. community. Their hopes for her aren’t very high and she hasn’t been stimulated very much. They love her to pieces, and she is a snuggler extraordinaire. That is what she’s done for most of the last 3 years. I’ve had her for about 4 months. Her parents were a bit shocked when she read the word “brown” on her mom’s shirt.
I just ordered Children of Dreams, Children of Hope. I am concerned that she is really very lazy. Her main interest is music. I use that as leverage to make her use LR. She does enjoy picture books, but doesn’t really pay attention when I read to her. She would be content to just lay on the floor doing nothing for hours or snuggling. I know she is very smart though. She gets humor and uses it. When she was 2 she hurt herself and I used the sign for pain. She intentionally signed ball and giggled. She signs pain for her parents and uses ball only for me. When I ask her if she is my best girl she will sign ball even though she can say it now.
Any ideas on how to get this little pumpkin interested in stuff. How can I get her to be curious about her environment? I cook with her. We go outside and I will point out things, but she is still very fearful of walking on unstable ground. She started walking about 6 months ago, her preference is to remain on the sidewalk.
I have “Slow and Steady Get Me Ready”, we do the activities in there. Other than that, what should we be working on? The school is pretty unhelpful. Her parents are just following along with what everyone tells them to do. Any moms out there who can give advice, I’ll take it.