sudden behavioral change- pls help!!!

hi every one.
My son just turned one year. For about week I have observed his sudden bad behavioral change. He seems to be get mad very quickly and show funny rude face and also act very rude, like hitting leg on the floor and rude sounds… etc. he also used to be very friendly but it also have changed now.

For few days I just didn’t cared much, just said to him NO, pls don’t do it, its not good… etc

I believe Kids should be corrected earlier otherwise it might be difficult later on.Any Advice, pLs Help.

hi Zia,

hope you are fine.

I have some good site for u.
Please check it.
Great site,
i hope they will help u.

Behavioral changes can be bought on by many things…

Without any more details it is very hard to have an idea of what he’s really doing and where it could be coming from.

For instance are these “rude” behaviors things he could have learned from his environment? Does he attend child care or creche or playgroup or hang out with older cousins?

Is it possible he is experimenting to get reactions?

He may simply be maturing and coming to the realisation that he has thoughts and ideas of his own and may be starting to attempt to give himself a sense of power of choice by reacting to things he doesn’t like.

As I said it is hard without many details… :wub:

Thanks for the links Mariam doddy.

Well TmS, your are correct may be a CD that I am showing, It show the happy boy, sad boy and rude boy may be from it he has learned it. But I just cant believe that, it could have change all these naughty stuff. :wacko:

your most welcome.

he is a baby. it is like you train him to do so.
that is happened with my daugter.She is put here finger in her mouth because of the cd.

best luck with your kid:)

Hi ,

I had a similar experience. I used to show a animated movie to my daughters.
Its has some fighting scene and my daughters started hitting everyone after watching
I came to know when they were reciting dialogues “punch maru” (“Shall I hit you”).
I simply throw the CD away.

The good part of that CD was they also stated dancing with songs in that movie.

We should be careful what we show to our kids particularly advertisements on TV.

– Kreena.

Yes Kreena,

For about a week I haven’t shown him that CD, and now he is not doing “Rude Face” any more. :smiley:

However what I noted was, he changed so much because he was not feeling well. He was having a flue but there was no sign from out side, it took a few days to notice. After I knew about this, I felt v sad that I didn’t notice and was thinking his behavior was changing. He was not feeling well that’s the way he was communicating. Now he is getting recovered and he is not rude any more.

When my son was that age I was staying at my parents and while I was in the shower my brother showed my son the kids batman series. He was trying to show him something he enjoyed as a little boy and my son laughed little the Joker for 2 weeks. Amazing what they can pick up.

I’m glad you discovered why he had changed his behaviour.
In other cases, though - where there’s no obvious reason like health problem, tiredness, a watched video etc. - some behaviours may be due to a change in the mother’s mood. I’ve seen that on my boy. When I’m deeply troubled, he’s not the happy boy he usually is. And in those days it’s very hard to get along well with him too…