Successfully taught their child a foreign language without speaking?

I was wondering if anyone has successfully taught their child a foreign language without actually talking to them all the time?

I wanted to tech my child Italian (and French) but I don’t speak it at home. Any tips / suggestions on how to teach her without speaking it all the time?

I look forward to hearing the answers to this one as I don’t speak any other langauges but I’m really keen to teach BC! We are working on ASL at the moment which i’m learning through Baby Signing Time and ASL sign apps on the iPhone. We also want to teach him French and I plan on using Little Reader and Little Pim to teach this. What languages are you planning on teaching?

I plan to teach Italian and French. I do speak both languages, but they are not my home langauges and therefore I don’t speak it everyday to her

I can’t say i’ve succeeded so far as my daughter is 2 and she doesn’t speak in sentences in Chinese yet, just individual words, but i think she knows a fair bit already.

I know she understands some sentences : She amazed me the other day when she was watching a new episode of Dora in Mandarin: she got up and pointed at the screen telling me ‘it’s there, it’s there’:
Backpack was asking the children to pick a shape, and she pointed at the star correctly, so she definitely understood the question.

She learns Chinese with LR, a few dvds and an audio pen she uses about once a month. She has no interaction with a native speaker. I do try to repeat to the new words she learns though.

Well, I’m learning (and going to try and teach) Spanish to my younger siblings. They are 8,7,5 and 2. The two year old I’ll be paying extra special attention to, I wonder if I can convince him to speak Spanish with me. I’ve already began teaching him to say please in Spanish when he wants something. He says Adios, hola and gracias and muchas gracias as well, when appropriate.

I plan to use a combo of language videos, dvds, activities and workbooks to get the 8 and 7 year old to speak. the 5 year old will do what ever we tell him to/whatever he sees is paying off. The 8 year old is really eager to speak Spanish, its just a matter of being consistent/practicing regularly. the 6 year old responds neutrally to my speaking Spanish to him, I use Spanish when helping him with his homework (Como escribe?, no, no esta correcto, muy bien, un poco mas, etc) and he understands well.

I’m going to make a huge push for Spanish starting in December all the way through March.

Our schedule is going to include Tues and Thurs Spanish Sessions, for 45-70 minutes a day, Saturday and Sunday we will also play games in Spanish and do activities in Spanish…

I’m not even close to being fluent in Spanish, but I’m hoping that if I make Spanish alluring, exciting, and fun that even the boys *7, 5 and 2) will be gung-ho about learning it.