Successful Potty Training - Thanks Everyone

Hi everyone!

Due to a thread I read some time last week on this forum on potty training, I decided to dedicate a lot of time to teach my daughter how to go potty. Ever since she was 11 months I have been getting strong instincts that she is ready to use the potty.

Using the advice and tips from all of you on the forum, today my daughter is successfully potty trained at the age of 16 months. Amazing.

So a special thanks from me to all of you on this forum and wishing you all the best!


great job to you & her!!! It takes patience but little ones are capable of so much if given the chance. Way to go :slight_smile:

Wow, well done! :smiley:

I’m trying the same method with my son at the moment, but he is being very stubborn. He keeps climbing off the potty and peeing on the floor :frowning:
I’ve bought a soft toilet seat for him, maybe that will help.

Just goes to proove the disposable manufacturers (who want us to keep buying their nappies) wrong - babies can be potty trained at 1 or 2 lol

Hi. that sounds amazing!!! Just got back from London, and it’s amazing that my friends over in the UK are completely dumbstruck when I tell them that my 22 mo is potty trained!!! Must have been that same thread, cuz I PT’ed him just before leaving (the 3-day PT), so it’s easier for my mom to look after him :slight_smile:

Haha, these BK forums are superb if you actually take the time to read and follow… so I intro’d them to this and they are officially converted!!! haha…

Now, if anyone does know, how and when do I start PT’ing for the overnights??? Any help, and I would be grateful!

Owwww…that’s fantastic! I am so envious of you because I still cannot have a gut to potty train my son.
lol I just bought a book called Potty Training less than a day or something and am looking forwards to reading this book.
I am going to send my almost 3 years old to a potty booth camp and hope I suceed this time.

Hi MummyRoo

The hard plastic potty also didnt work for me so I bought her a similar soft padded toilet seat with handles and she uses that. I think it makes her feel like a big girl. Im really proud of her! You just have to be really patient and keep going … when you get one successful “catch”, it gets easier there onwards. I just gave my little one lots of love and cuddles, lots of encouragement and that’s what works best. I know its difficult but try to enjoy it.

One other thing I think really helped was the phrase “pee pee goes in the potty!”

As for nights … that’s another thread in and of itself! My daughter woke up 3 TIMES last night to tell me “mama potty”! can anyone help?!

Thanks :slight_smile:

We have a case of say-one-thing-do-another :rolleyes: He will quite happily shout and declare “wee wee in potty!” but won’t actually do it! I get over-excited every time he does, though. lol

I am hoping the padded seat will work for us, too. It will be so nice not to worry about nappies!

For night-time:

It’s such a blessing and a curse to have a little one potty trained early. :slight_smile: my 20 month old also wakes at night and asks to potty. Here’s how we’ve been handling overnight:

She is still wearing a cloth diaper most nights. She doesn’t take the oppurtunity to use the diaper when it’s on, on purpose, or else she would not be wearing it. For the first part of the night (before she wakes up for the first time after I go to bed), she sleeps on a floor bed. If she wakes then to pee, I walk with her to the potty.

When I go to bed, I sometimes (if I remember, and if I’m especially tired), I grab her potty and bring it by my bed. When she wakes up after I’m in bed, I walk with her and/or carry her to my bed. If she wakes again, if I have the potty there, I just quickly set her on it and clean up in the morning.

In the morning, I have her take her diaper off and give it to me before she sits on the potty. She used to put it in the diaper pail, but now she’s dry about 5 times out of 7, so I take it and put it aside to wear again.

I imagine if you wanted to fast track overnight, you’d need to use underwear overnight.

I’m not willing to change the sheets/padding that many times at night just yet, so cloth diapers are great intermediary for us. :slight_smile:

Oh, and 99% of the time she wakes up, she’s dry and has to pee. I think it’s a common time to pee/common reason to wake.

Hello Maquenzie

Thank you for the advice. Karma to you.


Hi all,
@ Maquenzie: Thanks for the great tip… now trying to train him to stand and pee (as he’s a boy), and I guess it builds good coordination and aim… heheheheheh, so far no success yet as he still refuses to stand and insists to sit on his potty. I’m trying this because, when I bring him out like to shopping malls and such, I’m a little afraid to sit him on the public toilet seats…(OCD mummy), and I can’t possibly lug around his potty can I? :slight_smile:

@Mae_Jakob_Ka: yeah, amazing huh?.. that book you mentioned, by Nathan Azrin right?.. I’ve heard some pretty good reviews about it…good luck, girl! Btw, I tried the 3 day PT… Will look and send you the link to it too… maybe you can combine the 2 methods? Just an idea… my DS was PT in a day and a half…, with only very very few accidents till date… (yay!)… but I must say, this was after much tears and frustration on my part prior to this forum. But now, it’s well worth it… and I save on diaper money!

Here is the link, I got it off Ayesha Nicole :

Good Luck!

Dr Mummy, you can get a travel potty seat if you don’t want your son to sit on public toilets. Like this one

Hi everyone,

this link on potty training in 3 days also helped me a lot: