Subtraction confusion brought my son to tears

I made my child cry today. How you ask? I introduced subtraction. I was using the Jones Geniuses 4 question sheet and the first question was 2-1=? His immediate reply was 3. I show him counting backwards on the dots. Nope he said it was 3. I took 2 markers and laid them out in front of him and took one away. Nope in his mind the answer was 3. He got upset and started to cry. Sigh I put away the worksheet and while he was playing I would go up to him and show him with my fingers, “If I have 2 and I take one away, how many to I have?” He understood this.
So a few hours later I brought him back to the worksheet, he replied, “No minus, only plus!” I told him we had to give this a shot. Finally he got the question 2-1=1, the others like 16-3, were easier for him because he has not yet mesmerized 16+3, so he allowed me to teach him to count backwards with the dots. So I think from now on we will always have to start off with Subtraction and end with Addition.
I felt awful, just a terrible mother for not being able to get this through to him and making him cry. But I know he can do this, and he proved to me he could. I just need to make sure there is a equal balance between both types of problems.
Any advice how to help him over come this would be wonderful!

awwww, hang in there momma! how about bribery? LOL I am not big on it, but just to introduce the concept.

Put out your JG flashcards with the dots on them. Only put treats on the bottom number (for 7-2 only put two treats on each of the dots on the 2). M & M’s, raisins, skittles, goldfish, whatever. Any of them that he subtracts, he gets to eat as he takes them away.

Maybe that will entice him! This was not my idea, this was a play off of someone else’s idea previously, (maybe Kizudo?) so I cannot take credit! But it seemed like a good idea.

We have the opposite problem here. My son zips through subtraction and takes FOREVER to do addition! Its like pulling teeth. Using manipulatives just makes it take even longer.

I found tonight on the site IXL Math they have a good way of showing subtraction with the items crossed out. I think we will keep practicing with that and hopefully it will be like everything else and just click one day. Thank you for the suggestion Tonya.
I just keep reminding myself that he is only five and I couldn’t do most of the stuff he can do when I was that age.

Wasn’t my idea…but I like it :slight_smile: (Says the Momma with the bag of chocolate chips beside the keyboard!)

For intruducing subtraction, find some little things that he likes to eat. For example,
chocolate chips, cheerios, etc. Put down 2, and ask him to eat one. Tell him there is only 1 left.
Put down 3 and ask him to eat one or 2 and tell him how many are left.
Work only with the numbers 2 or 3 for several days. Always tell him the answer at first.
Play the game at meals and snack time.
The child is getting undressed. He is wearing 2 socks.
He takes one off. Now he is wearing only one sock.
After a couple of days, ask him if he wants to tell you the answer.
Don’t act too demanding. Say something like,
I wonder if you can tell me how many socks you are still wearing.
How many cookies are left, etc.
You can also put things in a box, like stuffed animals, balls.
After a while, move up to 4, then 5 or more. (this won’t work with socks!)
By this time he’s really catching on. Change the socks and cheerios to big dots.
Use big dots on cards.
After a week or more, start using numerals. 2-1=1.
There is no hurry. --Make it a fun game. – Granny Skippy

Ha Haa Haaa !
Says the Momma with the bag of chocolate chips beside the keyboard !

BTW my daughters are 20 months and I did not introduced chips / chocolates to them !

– Kreena


I think most of the time, songs can be a good way to learn anything - language , maths, colors etc . Human learn best using visual and audio and I think this 2 songs are quite good to learn about subtraction. Although they are more like a minus one object songs, you can modify it and change to any subtraction you like. Hope this would help.

Thank-you! Those look great!


I am sure that with all these tips, your son will be excellent in subtraction.

The videos are very good. With music kids tend to learn faster.
But i preferred the M&M s and skittles. Maybe not for my grandson because he will say ’ Too much sweet mamama’ but it will be good for me. mmm :nowink: :nowink: