Studying mums

Hello, I was wondering whether there are any studying mothers here? I study myself and would love to know if anyone uses any secret lol method to prepare for exams. Methods like eye exercise , photo eyeplay or relaxation to help to remember or make it easier to remember. Having a baby and exams is not fun mainly when there is so so much I would love to do with my baby. Sometimes I feel guilty I can’t spend all the time with her and have to study. It’s harder to concentrate on reading
We are using LR and LM and I am hoping that has some good effect on my brain and memory too. :biggrin:
Any tips are welcomed. I am happy to try everything.

I have no tip whatsoever to give you, BUT wanted to let you know that I am doing a distance program for my BA and it is NOT easy. Especially because I have a 2 year old and I have to take time away from him to get it done. So I know what you mean when you feel guilty. I have however planned ahead, since I make my own slides and books for him, and do that with him, and have him watch a little tv while I study or during his naps. Also, my hubby helps take care of him when he comes home, so i can squeeze in my study then as well.

I am actually really bad at managing all this, and even right now, instead of writing my paper, I came on here and am replying to your post lol

Soo, I am going to be looking forward to some suggestions. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone, and its difficult, but not impossible.

Good luck!!

Definately you are not alone in this one. I am trying to give the CA bar exam July but my daughter is two years old and I don’t want to ignore this important learning stage with her. Right now, I do spend a lot of time with her and less study but again the guilt of not studying is there. I am sure this will reverse soon.

I also study similarly like the post above.

As for self improvement so you can grasp more in. My hubby was telling me about this simple yoga technique to clear your mind and increase your focus. Control breathing in and out and don’t think about anything…you can repeat one word, that can be religious word or anything else for that matter. Do this for 1mins then increase gradually. I hope to try it today. I last for…10 secs :stuck_out_tongue: I think not concentrating while trying to study is the most time killer.

Hope this helps.

Hi there, thank you for your replies :slight_smile: . It makes me feel much better.
So far I found : don’t study with full stomach
highlight important words - yellow is best

RBKids recommend eye exercise but before purchasing their dvd I’d like to hear opinions from someone who uses it.
Email from RBKids:

“I see in the Wink, Step 3: PhotoEyeplay, there are both cards
and a DVD available. What is the difference between them? I’d like
to use them to help prepare for my 8-hour medical exams. Should I
get the cards or the DVD?”


They both enhance everyday memory, and both can be used before
learning or studying.

PhotoEyeplay DVD activates the rods and cones within the eye
through passive viewing of flashing images.

The PhotoEyeplay cards is an actual exercise. The cards teach
a photographic after-imaging process where the eyes are trained
to see an objects negative image, it’s “after-image,” eventually
turning it into its positive image – a vital step in photographic

The best way that I can describe the difference between the
two activities is that the DVD viewing is passive – like listening
to music. The card activity is more active in nature – like doing
a crossword puzzle.

The benefits are the same. The cards give you more left-brain
feedback as to which color cones are weak, which ones are strong,
etc., so that you can focus your after-imaging practice to
specific color hues – to strengthen each eye.

In this case, we would use the PhotoEyeplay DVD before studying,
as a relaxation tool. Because of the amount of eye strain that
can occur during intense studying, we would not recommend using
the cards. They exercise the rods and cones to the point where
it feels like you’ve done a work-out – regularly that is fine,
but not if you are continually reading and scanning on a schedule
like yours. Take care of your eyes.

Use the DVD before your study periods to help you go into a relaxed,
meditative, photographic state. It will help increase your intake
and recall.

I started to do yoga a month ago. I will try what you said.Thank you.

Hi Lelask,

I have the entire Wink program. I agree with what they said about the photo-eyeplay DVD being passive and the cards being active. It is easier to see the after image using the DVD, but I find after using the cards, my eyes feel really tired. It really does feel like a workout for your eyes!

You mentioned you were open to everything, so maybe you should also try the stuff recommended in Quantum Speed Reading. I am writing out the practice program on my website and so far have only done the children’s program, but there are some similaries to the adult’s program…

I’m working on the adult’s program and will send you the the link as soon as it is up.

The exercises in QSR overlap the wink program. For instance, they also do afterimage practice (which is the same as photoeyeplay), eye exercises, and mental imaging. In addition, they have other activities, like staring practice, 3D Stereograms (don’t know if you remember those magic eye books that were really popular back in the 90s - - you don’t need to get the books, just search google images for 3D stereograms and you can find some to practice with online), and breathing exercises.

Aside from this, there are also brain exercises you can do. I wrote about them here:

In a nutshell, the exercises are supposed to help boost brain power, improve memory and negate the negative effects on the brain due to aging. The best workout for your brain is to do very simple arithmetic as quickly as you can for two minutes a day (e.g. 8+5, 11+2, 7-3, etc.) and to read out aloud. The latter you can do with your child - just read stories aloud everyday and you can kill two birds with one stone - give your brain a workout and spend time with your child.

Good luck!

I’m also a studying mum! I’m afraid I don’t have any tips particularly (I am a fantastic planner but those plans, which may take days :ohmy: , almost always go out the window! At the moment I don’t have any exams looming, just coursework which is much easier (I’m doing maths) but come the summer I’m sure I’ll be asking you for tips :smiley: