Studying during pregnancy

Hi everyone,
This is a question that really is confusing me.
I’m new to this forum and i would like to ask everyone for an idea to this question.

I want to start my studies again. If I get pregnant during my studies, what is the likely result for the baby. I mean will the baby get intelligent? I hear people saying that baby would get brilliant if mother study hard during the pregnancy.

Hope I would get many suggestion from you all.


I personally don’t think studying during pregnancy will make the baby smarter, some people think reading to the baby in-utero might be of some benefit though as the auditory sense is one of the first to develop at 20 weeks.

I don’t think studying will make a difference. Maybe if you read you studies out loud, the baby will hear and enjoy listening to you.

Dear Amath & All,

That is a very interesting question. I personally believe that nutrition plays a HUGE role in the development/health/intelligence of babies. And so does the entire medical community. Please watch the short video on “The Zone and Fetal / Infant Development” at the following link:

And read the following:

So, after beginning the Zone + Omega 3’s - you may become pregnant, just as I did - ad with twins! :slight_smile: (I swore up and down that the Zone + Omega 3s was what made me pregnant! And when I discussed this with my Nurse Practioner at the OB/GYN office - she confirmed that it is true, and in fact, many couples obtaining fertility treament [and we were not] will be advised first to follow a nutritional program such as the Zone or the South Beach Diet, because it resets your hormones. And there are other women that are referred to in Dr. Sears’ books that also got pregnant after beginning the Zone > and my story is here: )

And should you become pregnant during your studies, by eating in the Zone, you will have a very healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby/ies, AND you will have the energy and focus needed to complete them!, as well as take care of the little one/s once they are born.

We all eat in the Zone and are very healthy and the girls are extremely calm and well focused, compared to other children. And this is according to professionals such as teachers, doctors, etc.

Happy Learning!
Ayesha :slight_smile:

I got pregnant while working on my Master’s degree, and throughout my pregnancy I finished my Master’s Thesis.

I think my son is brilliant lol but I also did a great deal of early education (Doman-style) activities with him.

I don’t think a child gains his intelligence from what you study while you’re pregnant, though. I think it’s what happens once the child leaves the womb that really matters!

I was pregnant during my entire last year of university studies. It was great, because I memorised and understood the information better. So the pregnancy helped my intelligence lol.
But regarding the kid, I think he now knows more about logistics, distribution, marketing, management etc. :laugh:
Really, my mom was pregnant while teaching Physics and Chemistry in a highschool. I must say her passion for physics really marked me as a fetus, cause all my life I loved studying it and I’m really attracted to it, even though I’m innerly inclined more to foreign languages, computing and others.

I don’t know, amath, maybe the real question is “Do your studies fit the role of mother that you choose to be? Can you manage both after the kid’s birth?”. Cause surely the child will benefit, somehow, but you shouldn’t worry about that, just do what you feel like doing if it suits you. :wink:


Ayesha :slight_smile:

Was your nutrition a factor in reason you getting twins? What if you want a healthy baby but don’t want to influence or induce twins ? :wink: