Study finds that the negative effects of TV relate to content of shows

It seems like it is content, not TV watching itself, that causes attention problems according to this study. Needless to say, Your Baby Can Read doesn’t have the “rapid pace and fantastic characters” that caused problems for kids in this study.

Amen! What a great article, thank you for sharing!!

I actually know several parents who won’t let their kids watch calliou because it makes their kids imitate his whining. lol We just stick to DVD’s,. not broadcast TV, but my kids have really learned a lot by restricting their viewing. Trust me, they watch plenty, but it’s all “good stuff.” This study makes me wonder about Leapfrog though, it’s pretty fast paced like a traditional cartoon, although most kids learn their alphabet so quickly from it. I suppose everything in moderation, and using it until they master the material (for a limited time) is probably a safe compromise.

Hi Teaching my Toddlers,

Seeing that you just mentioned Leapfrog, what are your ideas on the LeapPad?..


My kids watch Cat in the Hat, Martha Speaks and Magic School Bus. They definitely aren’t fast paced compared to something like Sponge Bob. Although they aren’t as slow as Caillou. But they do learn a lot from them. I don’t limit their viewing because they really don’t choose to watch TV very much. That’s the good thing about teaching reading early. They have an alternative to TV when they want to relax. It’s so long since I watched a Leapfrog DVD, I can’t remember what the pace is like.

Dr Mommy,

I don’t have a Leappad but I did get my 3 year old the Vtech Vreader. She loves it and it does help for them to be able to read along with the story.

Okay. So I think we’re in the minority. My now 5yr old has watched Spongebob since I don’t know when. LOL She has three older sisters who love to watch Spongebob (plus I guess I should count in dad too).
She hasn’t had any issues with attention span. She’s as smart as a whip. I do have educational videos here at home that she watches from time to time. But her love is for Spongebob.

On a side note we do have a Caillou video that my mother in law bought for my 3rd daughter when she was little. I’d like it put on record that I’d love to burn it. I can’t stand Caillou , all he does is whine, whine , whine. Ugh.

Dr. Mommy,

We don’t have the leappad but we do have the TAG reader. It’s great! My favorite books they sell are $20 per box and they are the beginning phonics readers levels 1-3 (I think they may have a fourth set out now). The child can point to each individual word in the story and the pen “talks” to the child when the pen touches the word. The system is simply fantastic and it complements our reading program really well. My daughter adores hers and plays it nearly every night before bed while getting sleepy. She can read all of the stories herself now (no assistance required thanks to Little Reader!), but has recently figured out there are built in games/activities too. My son plays it too a bit at 20 months. Skip the TAG JR because it doesn’t announce each word individually, only the whole sentence/paragraph at the same time. It might be okay for entertainment purposes but not really for learning to read. The regular TAG requires more fine motor control and you have to watch them use it though because it’s not intended for kids under 4.

They also offer maps, the solar system, and spanish/french books which offers some additional options.

I wouldn’t use this as a standalone program, but I think it’s a wonderful supplement. Sorry I don’t know anything about the leappad!

I wonder if LeapPad has content comparable to an iPad…

Looks like TAG is the updated version of the Leappad. TAG does not require that it sits in the big plastic holder like the leappad and the pen is not on a string. On the TAG version, the speaker is built into the pen. I remember seeing these older versions very cheap at children’s consignment sales and such, I bet craigslist has lots of them too.

Again, I would not recommend using these tools as a standalone reading program as I do not believe they are substantial enough on their own, but they are good supplements and they encourage assisted “independent” reading.

I thought you were talking about this leappad…

Hi all,
Sorry for jumping in so late, it’s Malaysia day and we went for the carnival!!!.. neways, yeah Maquenzie, That was the LeapPad I was talking about, I’ve seen the Tag before and was quite impressed, price ok too… but regarding the LeapPad I think it’s quite new and therefore expensive and I need to talk to ppl who’ve either seen or used it before before I make the “leap”! hehe… Thinking of getting it for my DS’s 2nd birthday, not too sure if it’s too early to do so, as the leappad is for 4-9 year olds…
any opinions???

Ooooh that’s what you were talking about. After reading up on it now, it seems they kept the same name but changed the product after their TAG system replaced the old leappad system. The new one posted above looks more like an Ipad. Neat!

haha… dear TMT… yes, it does look like an IPad, but costs a fraction of the price… only it doesn’t have as many apps… what do you think? or since it has only just been released( I think slightly less than a month), maybe I should wait and get more reviews???

I would hate to even venture a guess as I have never used it. The one thing I like right off the bat though is the durability factor. We already cracked and replaced our ipad screen once and boy was that a frustrating, expensive experience! Other than that, I cannot comment because we have no experience with it.