i’m having my first child and I expected not to get stretch marks if I took care of my skin, unfortunately I found a couple of them already (I cried, they look ugly). any recommendations on how to treat them???


Congratulations on your pregnancy! What an exciting time!

One thing that I want to mention is that although there are different things you can do to minimize stretch marks, there is also a genetic factor. So some people would get some stretch marks, regardless of what they do or dont do :blink:

However here is a good news – after your baby is born many stretch marks would just disappear. Some might stay, but I never had stretch marks stay past 3 months postpartum. None at all! It is more common to see some stretch mark stay and some go though

Things you might consider, which helped me and mommies I worked with:

Eating a high nutrition diet – high in protein, greens and healthy oils – it would help with elasticity of your skin ( for oils – think unrefined coconut oil and avocados – great for your baby development and great for your skin!!)

Keeping your body hydrated – drink to thirst, do not limit your water intake

You can use nice massage oil or natural lotion. I made my own which turned to be very effective : coconut oil, raw cacao, shea or mango butter, vitamin E and aloe vera. I added a little vanilla oil to mine for a pleasant smell. I was able to see a real difference after I used it.

Hope these tips help!

I second the natural oils. Find some that are high in vitamin E, like apricot kernel oil, but even a cold pressed olive oil is bursting with E’s. My tip is to eat fruit and vegetables that contain lots of vitamin C (or take a supplement). Vitamin C is pro collagen. That means its on of the building blocks that your body needs to make collagen ( part of what makes skin elastic). Zinc and magnesium are some of the minerals that the body needs to help the skin be elastic. I highly recommend a nice relaxing soak in a bath with Epsom salts added. It help relax my tired body and also stopped me from getting craps in my legs.


with regards to stretch mark, it varies individually.

They tends to fade after pregnancy. New stretch mark usually appears red and become white / paler with times. Once the stretch mark is there, it is unlikely that it will disappear. It will fade which made it less visible…

I used Bio oil religiously throughout my pregnancy. They started to appear during the 3rd trimester…the redness of the marks has now faded 6 months after delivery.

rosehip oil has shown to help reduce stretch marks.
of course you can try antioxidants (either applying/massaging or eating) such as vitamin A (betacarotene), C and E. eat fuits like oranges, kiwis and mangosteens.
my colleague takes collagen daily after delivery and it helped her greatly. creams that contains coq10 are worth a try too (coq10 is an antioxidant).


Second what’s already been said about eating well - I would add flaxseed and goji berries to the diet alongside everything that’s already been mentioned. Would also suggest to continue exercising - yoga, pilates and swimming are all wonderful. As your pregnancy progresses - swimming really helps in keeping fit and feeling light.

So it’s a combination of diet, exercise and skin care that will help reduce stretch marks. They will definitely fade over time. Some of it may also be down to genetics, if your skin is prone to them, then it may not be something that you can avoid but you can certainly reduce.

I drank lots of fresh coconut water through my pregnancy and it helped me a lot. So you may want to try that too, coconut water contains lots of potassium, which is also very good.

Hope you have a fab pregnancy, best of luck.

congrates,i think it will be cure after baby birth

Congrats on your child, I used a cream, but can’t think of the name of it lol

there are few exercises where you can rely on, try google search it may help you

Try cocoa butter. Hope it really helps you in preventing the stretch marks. Massage the affected area with the cocoa butter two times per day…for few months. …the marks will get disappeared.

My wife generally use aloe vera gel also take aloe drinks, the effect is very good, although not completely removed, but the effect must have! :wink:

Congrats on your baby!!

I would recommend Jojoba or Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E pure oil (you can get them in the pharmacy).

Vitamin E is for healing scars. Some moisturizing creams may already have Vitamin E but may only have 2% to 3%. Go for the purest form. Look at the lable and see how pure is the oil.

Best is Cocoa Butter cream. Make sure it is as pure as possible.

You must apply both oils for 3 times a day diligently (for 2 years). You should see good results!

Eat healing food like more vegetables (you can google more on that).

Of course it is best you apply when you are planning to get pregnant. Then you should not have any scars at all.

Hope that helps!

Aloe vera gel is good for removing them.

My sister had stretch marks after her pregnancy. She chose the ventouse cellulite. The ventouse cellulite provides benefits by reducing the body fats and stretch marks. Also, Aloe Vera and egg whites are also efficient to remove stretch marks.