Stressed! Day Care or Home Schooling

I am writing to ask advice from the Brillkids forum community regarding my grandson Chanze (7 months old). Lately, while teaching him he seems to be uninvolved like he is bored, and I cannot keep him focus on what I am trying to teach him. For instances, teaching him to play with certain toys, to roll a ball or helping him to say Mama he turns away and totally ignores me! He is not interested!

I thought by teaching him myself would be best, but now I am not sure. My major concern is that my teaching techniques are not helping my grandson or I am not doing it properly! Another thing that is bothering me is that Chanze is just starting to crawl and I have a friend whose son is born on the same day as Chanze, and her son has been crawling since he was 5 months and he is saying Mama. She has him in day care, and I am wondering if I should have my daughter put chanze in day care at least a couple days a week.

Does anyone have advice (Lesson Plans) on how to keep Chanze interested and possibly tell me what I am doing wrong and if we should put Chanze in day care does anyone know of a great day care (Private school day care in Queens, NY) that they can recommend! :frowning: :frowning:

First of all, RELAX! He is 7 months old! If he doesn’t want to do what you are trying to get him to do, then do what he wants to do. He is trying to tell you that he is bored, he doesn’t like it, or he wants to choose. Chances are, he picks up on your frustration and angst, and it makes him not want to participate. Learning is supposed to be fun!

You also need to realize that babies all do things at different times. There is no reason to get frustrated or compare him with other children. Some babies crawl at 5 months, some at 9 months, and some not at all. Same thing with talking. Most babies are just starting to crawl at 7 or 8 months, and most don’t talk until closer to 12 months.

Please just play with him, be silly with him, talk him, read to him, sing to him. Let him play and them follow his lead. If he isn’t receptive to what you are trying to teach him, then don’t do it now, but try it again in a week or a month.