strengthening immune system

A friend wrote to me saying how her little girl is always sick, asking me for tips how to strengthen her immune system. I am not proud :rolleyes: but can boast of very healthy kids. I thank God for that & for His guidance in helping me to learn & find good sources on healthy living.
It’s not comprehensive, I put it together pretty quick to get it off to her & then thought to share it with everyone & to get other ideas from all of you, wonderful parents, on how to strengthen children’ immune system & your natural remedies. i’M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM ALL OF YOU!!!
(Disclaimer: this is not to replace medical advice & I’m not a professional doctor or nurse, this is just a mother’s experience)
I want to give you some tips on strengthening your daughter’s immune system. Most of them are just common sense ones, but I know they really work.

  1. I’m sure you know & do already, but i’ll mention it anyways - NO JUNK FOOD!!! That destroys their immune system.
  2. Exercise – ourdoors is best & a must at least 4-5 times a week. It has to be vigorous! Of course if she’s weak, you want to start slower, but it has to have her heart beating for an extended period of time & her sweating to strengthen her. Do be aware of the winds & esp. drafts, but also do not overdress her – when she’s going for an active time overdressing can cause more problems than underdressing.
  3. LOTS of water, fruits & veggies!!! As much as possible, use only whole grains, makes a world of difference!
  4. Garlic does wonders. If you can get her to eat it on a regular basis raw – it’s the best, if not, add into her food cooked as much as only possible, you can’t put too much. Garlic toast is always a favorite.
  5. When she does get sick, unless it’s at a danger point, NEVER give her any medicine, it makes it worse, ruins the immune system! (again, I’m not a doctor & I don’t know your child, pray if medicine is needed, possible at night to allow for better sleep, or if she might be in danger, etc.) Here are a few things I do: Raw garlic chopped up tiny, mixed with natural honey (see if you can get natural, directly from the hive, not processed in any way – a miracle working stuff), give a tea spoon AFTER a meal (very strong stuff, not for sensitive stomachs!), 3 times a day – same affect as a very strong antibiotic, but with no side effects. 100% juice (freshly squeezed is of course best, but commercial works as well) mixed with water, give to drink unlimited. Also lemon or ginger tea with honey – drink with no limits (a little extra of good honey might help to like it even more, ha!). A very good recipe for cough syrup (onions, cabbage & garlic – chop up & boil for a long time until all is mushy. Strain, to the liquid add lemon juice & honey or apple cider vinegar & honey. It actually doesn’t taste too bad, ha! Give to the child every half hour or as often as possible, just a couple of tablespoons at a time. Expect more BMs, but even that is good for them) – I use it always for bad coughs, really helps. Before fever over 39C I do not take it down, after, I take it down with vinegar water by wiping the body in the areas of glands. For runny noses – sea water or water with sea salt – another miracle of God’s creation, should be able to get very cheaply at a pharmacy– suck it in through the nose & spit through the mouth. At first a nasty feeling, but get used to it pretty fast. Helps to get over runny noses but also strengthens the whole ear-nose-throat department, a good thing to do regularly for strengthening. For sore throats – gargle with salt water. Even when kids are sick, if they feel like running around, it’s ok, as long as they stay warm, out of drafts & out of the direct sun. Also let them sleep unlimitedly when they’re unwell.
  6. Natural yoghurt is very good at all times – helps digestion & absorption of nutrients. Eat daily. Also, if she was sick & had to take antibiotics – yoghurt is a must, for at least a full week after antibiotics to restore the natural bacteria in her stomach that have been destroyed by the medication.
  7. If she is sick as much as you say, I would do a full physical examination & take complete blood tests, her weakness might be caused by some vitamin deficiency, or something else of sorts.
    I hope this helps. If you do the 1,2,3,4,6, & salt water, you will see tremendous improvement! And again, I’m really hoping to get more tips from all of you

All of the above plus acidophilus, and immuno-zappers daily. Also at the first signs of illness, I give Ronan Monolauren and nutricillen(sp?).

Great ideas!

I give my kids vit. C & D in the winter( almost everyone is deficient), as well as a multi vit.

Wash hands - A LOT! ( doesn’t help immunity, but avoids illness)

Sugar lowers immunity, so if they are having sweets it is at home, not when going out in public.

Wild oregano is a great natural antibiotic.

No drugs / chemicals unless neccesary

Hi all,
I wanna share my experience…
After boiling water, i put tulsi leaves in the water and i give to my son three to four times(one or table spoons each time) a day. I noticed that he is not developing cold at all nowadays.In fact its winter here!!!


My son dosen’t like much to eat vegetables.I don’t push him to eat what he doesn’t like.But during the summer he is outside all the time when he is not at kindergarden running without clothes with bare foot playing with water and soil.During winter he takea vitamines and less clothes.He is getting ill 2-3 times in the year.Some chidren can’t be forced to eat garlik or some home made madicine.

When the kids are given antibiaotics there imun will get low.From my expierence i had 2 sons they are over 20 now. In the morning when they wake up before going to school i used to sqweeze 2 oranges each.When I noticed that they are going to have sore throughts or flu Iused to rub some olive oil and massage there back and cest.If i noticed that they have blokk nose or ears rub some olive oil behind their ears.For cough slice an onion put a table spoon of sugar cover it with a net and leave it outside for the overnight be sure that it will not get wet with rain.give the juice first thing in the morning .I never had bought medicine for flues,coughs.My grandson has been with me for 3 years nowonly once I gave him medicine before he was with me he used be sick and was given antibiaotics and his imune was very low. Can somebody give me a hint how can i treat his yeast inflamation with out medicine . Iam trying not to give bread.Ihave tried to do bread without yeast but had no sucsess.Need some help please.