Strategy to teach your child?


What is the strategy you followed to teach you child to read and do math?

What are the tools you used like LR, LM, hand made flash cards, ppt, YBCR, etc.

Please share.


Well, I say to make the learning environment as natural to your child as possible. Put up a picture, large labels/flashcards around the house. For example, you might get outlines of different countries and hang them around the house and as you pass them say, “Oh, hey, look its china!” and keep moving.

Talk about the globe and the people in the world, talk too your child lots and lots and lots! Read to them, but also tell them stories–make them up or summarize one you read in a book. Laugh with your child. Play, play, play!

Start with 1 thing at a time if you feel uncertain about any officially academic thing. Just go with the one thing that you are most comfortable with and be consistent, even if you do 1 set of 5 word cards a day for a year. Just have fun with it…

The best part is that even if you “fail” to teach your baby, you can always try again at 2-3 years old…oor 5-6 or 7-8. :). Done correctly, early training and education can only benefit your child.

I’m not yet among the ranks of the genuinely maternal, hence the name “Mom2Bee” but I am doing lots of exploring and educating myself now because this is what I wan’t for my child :).

I want to spend lots of quality time with my child. I want to grow my whole child and I want my child to feel learning is easy, fun and enjoyable. We all do. However, you need less of a strategy and more of a philosophy.

Once you have philosophy, let that be your guiding force in the educational journey and try your best to make plans around the guiding philosophy.