
I was just wondering if any one has noticed with teaching your child that their seems to be a big jump in progress then there seems to be nothing and then another big jump?


I remember that my boy suddenly started talking up a storm after we began teaching him to read. I also remember a time when he was learning all about electricity. Lately, he’s finally figured out how to write a whole bunch of his numbers and letters. He’s very motivated to practice writing and he seems proud of himself.

That is how learning happens across all subjects and ages, I think. It’s interesting that it is also the case with the very young.

I think the floodgates open especially when a person (“no matter how small”) suddenly takes a great interest in something. Then they are primed to learn about the subject, and in a way that will stick. When I was growing up, I was intensely interested in astronomy, caves, and maps (which must explain why I have made a bunch of presentations about those things :slight_smile: ). I learned more about those things before I was a teenager than most people ever learn, and I still remember a lot of what I learned about those subjects. I remember them much better than most things I studied when I was in school (though I do remember some of what I learned in school :biggrin: ).

This is why it’s important to expose kids to many subjects as early as possible (just to see what they’re naturally interested in), and to follow up on those interests by making lots of presentations and reading books and looking at videos on the subject.