Sterlization of feeding utensils

Dear All,

Do you use sterilizing pellets / tablets to sterilize the feeding bottles and utensils? is it safe?

Normally I boil water and wash utensils in boiling water… however it is tedious and thought I will use the tablets. I used and it smells chlorine.

The tablet has Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate - is this safe? it has “cya” in the name so i was scared. I used just 1/4 tablets to test. Should i discard this method and go back to boiling water sterlization?

Please advice me.

I don’t like chemicals, so I always boiled my water :slight_smile:
I read of another way to get rid of germs besides bleaching that claims to be safe:
fill two spray bottles with

  1. Hydrogen peroxide
  2. Vinegar
    Spay with first, second and rinse. Voila!
    I liked the idea but hydrogen peroxide is too exp. in drugstores here… so it isn’t tried by me.

Why do you need to sterilize feeding utensils? Do you sterilize your own? I don’t think it’s necessary. You can always use a dishwasher set on hot, if you have one. If not, just use hot soapy water and wipe them down.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the safest desinfectants. K2U for mentioning. White vinegar is great too, and while they can be used together REALLY EFFECTIVELY, they will work great each on its own. For us Hydrogen peroxide is the cheapest way to have effective desinfectant always with us ( just remember to have it in dark container), but where it is too expencive white vinegar would work great.

As far as constantly desinfecting baby’s utensils… You do need to have a good level of sanitation for the first few weeks, couple of months, but after that you would not want to keep you baby in totally sterile environment. Immunity develops from the contact with the different things around us, and as long as you do your part and keep things reasonably clean and tidy, there is no need to go overboard. Of course it also depends if you are travelling to ( or living in the country) where extra cleanliness measures are a must. Then you just need to find what works best for you. But I agree with Nikolett, there is definely no need to use chemicals.

Dear nhockaday and skylark,

Thanks for ur replies. So far I had sterlized everything related to what he puts in mouth. The feeding bottles, sippers, teethers, and pacifiers. I used to wash the toys - whatever possible - alternate days in warm water. I thought we should go along this way till one year… but i will start wash only with warm water…

Dear Nikolett, Thanks for ur response. I have never used chemicals so far, except once day before yesterday.