Starting your 18 month old on Math


I am starting on this exciting journey of teaching my young daughter. She 18 months and repeat the numbers after us, i am in the process of teaching her to recognize them visually and sort them. Any ideas how else i can teach her Math? Or step by step program i can follow.

Thank you


im tachina my little baby Little math 11 days ago, and it sounds nice so far, the app is interesting it starts with counting form 0 to 5 then every day they add two numbers with the pic of the num like for 2 the pic will show two apple and for 0 it shows empty. it looks nice as they repeat the numbers many time and in order and randomly with different pic every time you play the app.

it looks really interesting , hope we hear someone’s experience with LM with his baby

It’s nice to hear that you are trying to teach your daughter but I think that she is too small for learning the math subject.

hi Leesa,

my son is 8 month old now, so I think teaching math early will develop his learning abilities and helps brain development too.

Thats great!!!


According to Glenn Doman method it is best to start your child early.

The earlier you start your child the easier for your child to learn.

Professor Glenn Doman recommends, start your child at 8 months old.
At the same time he mentioned
between 1 to 2 years old is ideal to start with the math program.

To start, start with dots. Dots represents quantity. then much later numerals. Numerals are 1,2,3,4 are symbols.

I got these facts form “How to teach your child Math” by Glenn Doman.

As for a step by step program, there are many good programs out there. It depends what program you like,

Of course there are the Brillkids Little Math, Right Brain Education Library or Glenn Doman Math Kit.

Hope that helps!