Starting baby on cows milk

hi my daughter is 1 yr and ready to start cows milk … any suggestions on how to go about introducing it?

i start to introducing the cow milk by using is to mix with the cereal for the baby, when baby get used to the taste than try to put into her drinking cup and let her drink during she have her snack (instead of water and juice)… hope can help.

where I live they suggest mixing with water first for easier digestion. Does she eat yogurt? It’s much better than milk.

What i did is dilute it with water and see how your baby reacts to it. Little by little, I would put more and more milk.

I have been giving Koen small amounts of cows milk in a sippy cup for a few weeks. Being only about 9 months, breast milk is his main drink, followed by water at meal times and then we give a small amount of cows milk once a day. I first gave it to him just to see what he would do, and from day one he has enjoyed it. I am careful to only give him a small amount given his age. 20 - 30 mls is enough and he drinks that well with no problems.

Dear All,

Just take care and keep watching for any facial (or bottom) rash that may appear. I experienced this with my kids and Lab tests showed that they are allergic to Cow milk protein. So, I kept on breastfeeding till almost 2 years, backed up by Soy milk.

Is anyone using milk that has DHA? I am considering that when we make the switch.

I started mixing milk in with Marina’s cereal when she was 6 months instead of just water. I think she was about 10 months when I offered her it to drink. She likes it and will sometimes ask for it during the day, but typically just drinks it at lunch and dinner - about half a cup a day. I only use whole, organic milk. We’re still breastfeeding as well.

Thanks Rima for the allergy/sensitivity warning.

My daughter too was allergic to cow’s milk protein. Unfortunately, it took a long time to detect as the pediatricians in the States are big fans of milk. In her case, it caused digestive difficulties (constipation) and rashes as well. I had tried to eliminate it and saw no dfference but found out later that the trace amounts of milk in other foods were causing the continued symptoms. It doesn’t take much to mess things up if someone shouldn’t have it at all. :frowning:

I still breastfeed and take fish and flax oil, but Gabriel does get a little cow milk. There is an organic brand that I buy that has DHA.

Hello Teachthemyoung,

That’s very true. You have to review the ingredients of any food product she may take. Don’t get the products including milk protein. Don’t ever try to test her reaction from time to time (Rash, projectile vomiting, stomach pain). Whenever her body receives the protein again, its sensitivity increases, so you will be harming her. The best thing to do is keep her away of these products as long as you can. I know it’s hard: Chocolate, Birthday cakes, Biscuits, Cheese, sometimes Yogurt???, Lasagne, Pizza, etc … Try to cook some using Soy milk, although it tastes slightly different. And with time, you will notice that the allergy will hopefully be decreasing.

After the initial learning curve the dairy-free lifestyle is a cinch. We have been dairy free for at least three years around here (and very healthy since).

My son is 22 months and still breastfeeding. I’ve tried cow’s milk several times and several ways and he wants nothing to do with the “yucky” milk. My friends suggested mixing it with whole milk vanilla yogurt, and warming the mixture up initially.

Have you looked into raw milk? It is much healthier than regular cow’s milk. Luckily, we can get it where we live, not everyone is that lucky.

I was unable to breast feed so gave my children soy formula instead of cow’s milk formula and found that none of them developed asthma, which was what I had intended to avoid. After one I kept them on formula (sometimes cows milk formula) until at least 2 years old, that being before Toddler Gold and Toddler Gold Plus formulas came in. Now with Azaria I let her have cow’s milk at daycare, but at home I use cow’s milk Toddler Gold plus formulas, as I believe in still breastfeeding for optimum health and brain growth, but cant…

I like that it is choc full of nutrients, and iron, and things to support immunity, and I believe it does far better than cow’s milk in helping Babies become more intelligent. Iron intake is higher, there’s Vitamin C built in for absorption of Iron, and the fatty fish omegas are in there…

I too started by mixing in a bit with his morning cereal. It gave me a chance to evaluate his mood and behavior over the course of the entire day to look for allergic reactions. I introduce all potential allergenic new foods for breakfast for that reason.

If you ask Glenn Doman about milk … you will laugh really hard and will never feed your baby with another species (mammal) milk’s

This is a great question for Doman Mom I am sure she will have all the details - I just dont remember right now plus I am too tired to elaborate.

NO Cow milk for babies pls !!!


Here is a thread about what Gloria is talking about