start flashcard 1st or little reader program


My second baby is going to come out soon…so i wander when shud i start teaching him? shud i start flashcard first? when shud i start little reader because i worried little reader will be too interesting compared to flashcard that he will not like to see flashcard at all. what shud i do?pls i need advice!! thanks

I think the desission is yours.
I will tell you how we did it. I am no expert, I will just tell you what I did with my daughter.
Before 4 months: Infant stimulation cards, black and white cards, toys, books, check board,etc. You can find more info on this in Glenn Doman’s book “How smart is your baby”
You can find review of the book at
At 4.5 month we started LR. The sessions are short, fast, full of great contents, no preparation. It made my life so much easier.
At 6 months we started YBCR program, 10 min a day (half DVD)
At 7 months TweedleWink once a day.

That is amount of screen time I was comfortable with. But the choice is yours.
Hope this info will help :slight_smile:

Thanks for your advice…I have prepared a lot of flashcards for my first girl before I found out about
LR. Has anyone try to do LR n flashcards together n face any problem of baby don’t like flashcards?

since you’re just starting out, i would save myself as much time as possible to be with your baby and do LR and LM. i bought a lot of home made flash cards on ebay. this is sometimes difficult b/c they come up so infrequently, but it is possible. just mark it on your calendar to look every few days. (i’ll be selling mine soon so i’ll keep you posted). however, if you’re going to buy ANYTHING, buy the doman dot math cards. no point in making those (way too time consuming!) and best of all they last and last! my DD liked LM in the beginning but now doesn’t like it too much so i’m back to the cards. i almost sold them and i’m glad i didn’t! if you have an ipad there are GREAT apps that flash bits of intelligence (BOI) that my DD really enjoys. for me, i have to say i really didn’t start anything until she was about 5 mo. old, but once i did she loved it. i’m sure yours will, too!
good luck and don’t sweat it!
the doc :clown:

Thanks for your advice DrPrimo…i have all the Doman cards…but my daughter never really like to see flashcard…i just flash while she is drinking milk but i stopped lately because i worried it will spoiled her eye sight. now she refused to see flashcard so i have to let her to see LR and LM. she dont really like it too…i think i just have to show LR and LM and flashcard to my second one but not too much each…i think LR and LM are more effective than flashcard but i have more input in flashcard that LR.

that is probably a good idea. i would take a break for about a week, and then only do one set SUPER FAST! after that set in about an hour i might ask her questions about the cards i just flashed. might be a way to get her interest back.
just an idea,

the doc :clown:

I found my son likes to see the same things in many ways. He really gets in to seeing a word he knows from YBCR in a book or having me write it or on a different flashcard he also has a tendency to get bored with the same lesson style each time. So I combined everything mixing it up. I know it’s not exactly what is suggested but it was the only way to keep it exciting and fresh for him. As a result we have seen fantastic results. I unfortunately only just learned about LM and LR recently but have added them straight into the mix.

Funny thing is I’ve noticed he prefers LM to the dot cards, but prefers me writing to LR (of course this will all change next week and I’ll have to adjust to his new tastes).

So I think that in the end you have to find what your child finds joyous and go with that.

I need some good advice here.
I manage to find alot of free flashcards online and I get feedback from many mothers that they download and print to save cost.
But I was thinking that isn;t it more economic to buy than to print ourselves?Consider if we are printing colours pictures .And futhermore, flashcards are long term investment and it is not surprising that flashcards are hundreds or even thousands. How long does a colour printer cartridge last if we are printing them in bulks .And we need to cut them in sizes as well right and ?
I just want some honest advice here.Thanks. :slight_smile:

Hey Clipon35,

It would all depend on whether you’re printing from a bubble jet or a laser. If you have a color laser you should get (depending on brand etc) in the thousands for a4 page printing, bubble jets are nowhere near that (nowhere).

It also depends on where you are and who you intend to source your cards from. I’m in Australia so the postage for the Glen Doman maths cards was more than the cards themselves (quite a bit more in fact) it worked out much cheaper for me to make them myself.

It also depends on what you’re after in a flash card. At least when you’re printing them yourself you’re in control of what you get. We have a mixed bunch of bought and home made and printed off. Since we bought the color laser printer (which a remarkably cheap these days) it has become more cost efficient to print than buy. We have a Samsung Color Xpression - not top of the line by any means but still miles ahead of a bubble jet, and it averages out to $0.06 per a4 page.

Hope that’s helpful :wink:

Hi TmS ,

Thank you so much on this information :smiley:
I guess it will be more fun to do it ourselves as well .
