Speed-reading & Reading Update Vids of Cammie

For information on right brain education, I have found ShenLi’s blog a veritable treasure trove:
http://www.figur8.net/articles/right-brain-education/ Check out each one of the links, especially the one on Right Brain Activities for Lazy Moms.

Here is the link to RightBrainKids and their products Tweedlewink and Wink: http://www.rightbrainkids.com/component/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ Tweedlewink is recommended for children 0-6 years and Wink is for preschool-aged children to adults.

Here is a previous post by TmT on Mandalas and how to use them: http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/what-is-mandala-and-how-do-they-work-is-it-possible-to-begin-it-with-a-7-month/msg67165/#msg67165

Rightbraineducation Shop has A LOT of resources for doing RB activities: http://www.rightbraineducationshop.com/index.php?pid=6

For me, these are the resources I use:

  1. Wink program and Memory Magic for Eye Exercises, Photoeyeplay, Mental Imaging, Observation Training, Memory Linking, and Photographic Memory.
  2. GD Picture Dictionary, Tweedlewink, Wink to Learn, Babybit, and LR files for Flashcards.
  3. Mandalas - http://www.homeeducation.sg/everyday-mandala
  4. Photographic Memory Kit
  5. Tangrams - http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Tangoes-USA-JRT001-Jr/dp/B000F6RWW8
  6. Logico Piccolo and FunThinkers games (I also have the Smart Brain CD-ROMs but have not used them with my 3 year old yet.)
  7. audiobooks and music cds for foreign languages
  8. tuning forks for perfect pitch

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing the great videos, nadia. It is very surprising when I realize that right brain training helps the kids in so many different aspects that we wouldn’t even imagine. It helps the kids to make connections which are impossible for us to even think of. Great work Cammie.

Hi Mandabplus3 ,

my kid is 2yo… I have shown him LR & LM & Yr baby can read, Brainy Baby… We started LR & LM about 5mths ago… he do not wan to watch LM now… esp… when the video shows the equations … haha, headache… he also seems to lost interest in the LR as the same pics and words is repeating for few lessons… haizzzz

& aangeles ,

thanks for the info and the useful links.

Hi Babymum! It is also like that for my 4-month old. LR, or any learning tool for that matter can get boring sometimes. The key is to personalize it to suit your baby! :slight_smile: What I did was take pictures of things around the house, of family and relatives, and even the things just outside (mailbox, walking path, your garden, etc) and make a custom playlist. My son’s eyes just lit up when he saw our clock in the lesson, his Granma, and himself!

For a 2-yo, he might be more than ready to proceed with full sentences. So make silly stories of him and show corresponding pictures and videos of him or his favorite toys. Humor is always a hit! LR is so user-friendly that making these are a breeze. :slight_smile:

Baby mum, well done you are well on the way to a home run :smiley:
At 2 it is often difficult to get and keep kids interested in anything! They are very much open books at this age and love to explore.
Some things for you to try
Label objects around the house. Use decent size letters (1 inch) and point out the word as you use the object.
Definitely personalize some of your LR. I have an alphabet that has my sons name randomly half way through ( truth it was an accident!) but he loves to watch that one! His picture is a lizard lol Sence of humor wins every time! Put a few familiar things into his corriculum, one a lesson…even delete things he won’t care for…
Have a routine that puts LR right before something he enjoys. So the excitement builds for the next activity.
For LM have you downloaded some fun icons? My son hated it until we added bob the builder icons!
I think in your case buying the tweedlewink videos would be a good investment. you will get years of use from them. ( plus maybe a sibling?)
Show some encyclopedic knowledge power points on topics of interest.
After five month of LR it is possible that you kiddo wants more info. Start on phonics teach him letter sounds, use fridge magnets, sand writing, giant hand movements… Also if you think the repetition in LR is boring him then do every second lesson. Just keep a note book of what lessons you show so you can go back after you finish and do the ones you missed if needed. You don’t have to follow the corriculum exactly there are no rules. Download some of the other wonderful files mums have uploaded. If you show him 10 words a day he will learn to read early! No one tells you which words to show, that’s your choice.
Also just in case he doesn’t like any of these ideas, and you are forced to take a break, I want to let you know you have already done enough to ensure that when he goes to school he will learn to read faster than most. Congratulations mummy! :smiley:

Thanks Nadia0801 & Mandabplus3 for your good ideas and encourgagement…

Really make me confident now… At first i feel so disppointed and worry that he is no longer interested in the program, now i think i know what to do to revive the program again… heeee Mandabplus3, i can imagine how yrs laughing when he sees the “lizard” , i am laughing while reading your post too :slight_smile: its fun! By the way, how to download other icons for the little Maths? Is it free?

My relatives are also not very encouraging… they think i am torturing kid to study :frowning: Nadia0801, i can understand your feeling…

But with so many kind words and encourgagement here… i felt real warm here :slight_smile: Thanks for the kind help!

Hi Zann! I wonder why some relatives are like that? I mean, don’t they see that baby is obviously enjoying and craving to learn? Sometimes it’s useless to explain to them, but just wait and see after they see the fruits of your efforts. It’s not for them anyway, it’s for our children! :slight_smile:

The icons for Little Math can be downloaded for free :slight_smile:

click the FORUM tab > LITTLE MATH LIBRARY tab > and scroll down to ICON SETS.