Speed reading for kids

Hello parents,
I know that the Doman method and Tweedlewink’s Right Brain strategy are suppose to help children develop speed reading skills. But I have not yet seen anyone comment on actual speed reading programs for kids. Obviously many of us are now only taking the preliminary step to teach our young ones to read. But I believe there may be another step beyond simple reading up to speed reading. Any other opinions or experiences?

I am positive it helps, besides Doman and Right brain we use www.EyeQ.tv


It has helped us speed things up, no way to know in what proportion each one helped

Everyone have a good weeekend!


Wow, that’s great to hear! It sounds like an amazing skill to possess. If you would permit me to ask a few of questions:

  1. Of the speed reading programs available, why did you pick EyeQ? Is it tailored for kids?
  2. at what age did you introduce the speed reading course and how frequently did you schedule your learning time?
  3. have you measured your little one’s reading speed, if so, may I ask what it is?

Thank you so much for the initial feedback.

ho gosh … what a trick question that is for me !!! reading has been our weakest subject - maybe a little history is needed.

when I started Doman (Leena was 4 years old) we started with reading and dots and BITs, she favored the bits because of the variarety and cool stories, she did not like the words - found them boring and was indifferent to the dots, so we did some of the dots for a while (LM did not exist then). Then we found Right Brain, she liked it very much - we did tweedle wink and our all time favorite all the wink programs - while taking the wink training Pamela mentioned in one of her conferences that fast eye movement helped developing the eye muscle and nerves (Doman said the same, from birth!! ) and she said: at some point your kid will get so fast with this (manual eye movement cards) that the use of technology will be advisable - she reccomended eyeQ and speed read X (which we did not like at all) - I happen to have eyeQ in my basemant anyway… stored for 4 years as I bought it when i was pregnant but got so busy relocating twice (bla bla) never used it. So we started using it right away. I can say it has helped me to read faster.

The program has 3 levels : adult, teenager and child - since it is about fast eye movement and later on fast chasing words in a line and screen - I can say this has helped my daugther with the observation training and memory training - frequently when we read books we read a page then allow 3 to 5 seconds to see the picture go to the next page and ask her : in the previous page, how many flowers did you see? how many clouds? what color was the clown tie? how many dots in the tie? how many lines in the socks?surprisingly she is consistently in the 90% accuracy (ie answer 9 when the right answer is 10 - very close) 9 out of 10 times. which tells me her eyes are really really good and so is her memory and attention to detail in seconds.

I just thought my daughter how to read in august of this year (2009 - very late I know) but I wanted to capitalize in feeding her hunger for bits and music and gymnastics and languages (she is studing spanish, chinese and arabic) and doing well in all those 3.

As expected when I started reading with her (since she was 5 I was a ble to have “the talk” about why we were doing this and how much freedom this will give her) - she undestood the idea and reason why we needed to try reading again and we acomphished what was until now a very hard thing of us, she learn how to read in 2 weeks, and from there we have been getting books like crazy reading more and more every day as well as reading all the booklets for the sing read write curriculum, as well as Abeka, Bob Jones and I can read series from Barnes and Noble and many others- she can read by herself now probably over 30 books !! level 1 and some level 2. we have not read more because we simply do not have the time she is very busy right now.

The key was not to forced her at the time (4yo) but to do something anyway to promote the skills she will need later on in learning anything at all… which I believe are good memory, observation training eye speed movement these are all needed when reading anyway.

Short answer I beleive eyeQ has helped her, how much in comparison to the wink games and doman cards … no way of telling it all fall into place over a year…

we do EyeQ exercises every day monday to friday in the morning before starting bits or leaving for school (University model school she takes 3 classes on tuesday and 3 on thursdays 8 to 12 noon) for social interaction, the rest of the time she is with me at home.

and dont forget excersise is vital for learning ! anything crawling, running, swimming, bicycle anything but is has to be consistent - this will increase the attention spam and focus on any lesson.

Hope this helps.


Wow, Gloria. thanks for sharing, and congrats on your daughter reading! I have always wanted to learn to speed read. I can read very fast when I’m engrossed in a book but not so fast when I am reading a textbook, and then I forget what I just read since it doesn’t interest me.

Great sharing Gloria. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

:biggrin: Thanks

Ps: I forgot to mention that the duration of each eyeQ session is more or less 7 minutes and it installs a icon in your desk top that you can use anytime you get close to the computer and it gives you a super fast eye warm up in 30 seconds - the idea is to keep the eye challenge all the time. At the beginning it made me tired and I had to do it every other day to allow the eye to rest. Would not reccomend for young babies but it is perfect for older children I guess 5 and up. You should call them and consult with them anyway their customer service is good.

Every one have a good day !!


Gloria D,
Your post has been very helpful. I’m going to model my little one’s speed reading education after yours, as it seems to be very successful. Thank you for your insights and please keep us updated on Leena’s wonderful progress.

Dear Tobias8, thanks for your kind words, may I give you an advice- pls look up all the posts from DadDudde he is really a master at teaching how to read - his boy is reading very well at 3 years old !!

Have you seen his video:

I have used his phonic cards and books very sucessfully - he is a true role model !

have a great weekend and will keep you posted on our progress.



Yes, I have examined how Daddude has taught his son how to read. It is very impressive. It’s nice to be able to share and put together people’s best practices as we teach our children and each other!

Gloria u mentioned that u have used Dadedude’s phonics card (from the link that he has provided to us ie.mediafire???) and which book that u are talking about??? Is that from big list that he have mentioned in his earlier post i.e http://forum.brillkids.com/product-discussions-and-reviews/recommendations-for-good-books-for-preschool-children/


dear Snapa,

in the following link:


DadDudde posted the link more than 25 word documents with phonics words and clear
pictures for each word.

I used them sucessfully and I am using them now for what we call spelling races, I have transfer some of those from word document to PPts as I like that format better for fast display.

I hope I made my self clear and I hope you can find the link.

If for some reason you can not access the Link (it works I just opened it) pm with your email address and I will be glad to send you those documents directly.



ps: books - I am referring to all the so well written ppts - “books” that DadDudde has posted in this forum - I am a Fan of Mr. DadDudde - my daugther enjoys his books very much.

Thanks dear!!!
