speech problem

my son is 3 years. still he is not talking. he use 3 to 4 words. how can i make him to talk or have conversation with him ?

Are you in the US? If you are I would start looking into getting an evaluation through the school district or privately.

Thanks teachingmykids,

Im not in US. i have shown my son to Speech pathologist, he is on speech therapy, the problem is conversation. he dose not talk. he is still using word level. As a mother i feel sad that he dose not talk. He is my first. I have no experience of handling kids. I just want to know is there a way to make interactive verbal communication with my son?

Most kids who don’t talk don’t have to. Do you give him his lunch before he says he is hungry? D you hand him things without expecting manners? Do you give him a drink when you think he is thirsty or when he asks for one? Do you ask him questions and wait a long time for an answer? Does he miss out on things because he doesn’t talk or sleek up?
Does he spend time with other people who don’t know him as well as you? A little boy I know of 2.6 wasn’t talking for mum but spoke a number of words to me including 3 word sentences in order to get what he wanted or get his message across. Mum understood his gestures and gave him what he wanted. I didn’t so he was going without if he didn’t ask for it verbally. Gestures like pointing to something don’t get kids in my care anything. They need to make some attempt to speak or miss out. They learn this very quickly! This little boy is now speaking in full sentences ( a lot!) and he just turned 3. He just needed a push. A reason to talk.
This giving them a reason to talk has worked for MANY MANY kids in my care so I encourage you to look at how he communicates now and what you do that discourages his speaking. Probably he will pick up language rapidly with some reason to try. He has been listening all this time :slight_smile: