Special case about using Babyplus....please share your experince

Hi everyone, i did use Babyplus during my pregnancy. And now my baby girl is 10 months old, and everyone told me i do have a very clam baby. But actually my baby both middle ears are block by fluid since birth. She did 4th hearing test and all show her ears are still block but may able to hear lound sound. But we find sometime she can copy what we said, and she can pronoun “PAPA” “MAMA” when she was 6 months old. We notice that she never cry when she is with other babies crying. My hubby and I both beliver she can hear but just no interest to give response. So i m still confuse i have a clam baby is because she can’t hear the sound clear or she really get the benefit from the Babyplus. Can any parents share your experince with me. Did any baby also not interest to response to the other and like to play by herself?

I have no experience with babyplus but I can address the ear issue a bit. I have been told that fluid in the ears sometimes seems like you are hearing while underwater. Sound comes through but it is likely muffled, so she is likely hearing some things.

It is encouraging that she is making sounds, hopefully that means that some sounds are getting through.

In general, I do not like to do a lot of medical interventions unless it is absolutely neccesary. With something like hearing though, personally, I would treat this more aggresively. A child who can not hear is missing out on an incredible amount of knowledge. Have you considered ear tubes? Although it in somewhat invasive it may be an immediate solution to restore her hearing.

Hope that helps