Sparklebox creator in jail for child porn :(

I read this blog entry and thought I’d share it with you guys

What is sparklebox? it sounds familiar.

It’s a site full of educational printables

From what I’ve read, the toolbar is the only part that is dangerous of the site. If it’s even still up and running, the actual printables are safe.

mmmmm…It is sad how many sick people live around us and we don’t even know!! I am very disgusted about tv news, internet news…most of the news are so dark!!

From what I understand is that the downloadables are safe, it’s just that he still receives income by all the advertisers on his site. So, the question is more “Do you want to build up his bank account while he is serving time, or not?”

By the way I just googled “Sparklebox jail” and there were several articles about his poor choices if you want to find out yourself.

truly makes me want to vomit.

@PY very true. There are so many dark news around. I m already worried how to bring up my child safely in this dangerous world. God alone can help.

Mirra: The world is actually less dangerous now than it’s ever been. In North America crime rates are significantly lower than the 40s and 50s when people reminisce about how safe things were. There are fewer pedophiles per capita and they’re getting caught sooner and sooner. I’m not saying abandon all safety precautions, just don’t worry yourself crazy over it.

Kizudo: You made me realize I really miswrote what I was trying to say. So mulligan :slight_smile:

First, the Toolbar is NOT SAFE. If anyone has it, uninstall it ASAP.
Second, if anyone has printables already, they are not problematic. If you want to download more, that’s really up to your own moral compass. I’ve never been to the site, and am not about to change that now. However, most online ads are pay-per-click and not pay-per-view, so if no one clicks the ads there will be no revenue. Of course, I haven’t a clue what is on this particular site having never been.

I’m really glad I don’t know what he did and that I managed to find information about the safety of the site/downloads without finding out. I get nauseous very easily about these things. Sigh. People can be so sick.

@carpe vestri vita I live in India. It is worse than 50 years ago - that surely was golden time when my parents were children. I see tons of bad news in news channels daily. many years back was calm India and crimes were less. so i said. good that in your country crime rates are down.

waterdreamer, thank you for letting us know.
Internet is such a great discovery but at the same time we have to be very careful especially never leave a kid unattended playing, drawing, etc on a web page. Also never open a page for him without having enter before.

I do not know about this site or the creator. I am afraid even to look at the article. Disgusting people :ohmy:

There are fewer pedophiles per capita and they're getting caught sooner and sooner. I'm not saying abandon all safety precautions, just don't worry yourself crazy over it.

I’m not sure where you’re getting that concept, would love it if it were true but it’s just not. The percentage of pedophiles pretty much remains constant.

The pedophiles are still all out there and they’re just getting better at fooling the rest of the world. In my life I have personally met and associated with more than five of the filfthy horrid creatures (sorry really have trouble thinking of them as people - call me descriminatory if you like) seen two put behind bars and three get away with it despite much evidence (usually parents not wanting to put their children through court - a topic for another discussion but so not the right way to handle it).

We must always be extra vigilant, trust no one and ensure that the right relationship tools with our children are in place. It is much harder for them to victimize a child who has a good relationship with their parents, in fact most of them wouldn’t bother trying with such a child. You cannot be with your child every moment but they can know that they can come to you with any thing, they can know what it is right and what is wrong, you can be extra vigilant in constantly re checking the people in your child’s life and environment and always having open conversations with your child about their feelings.

Sorry to carry on but I have seen so much of this and so many people think it doesn’t happen much because no one wants to talk about it once it has happened you hide it away and everyone carries on thinking the world is a nice place. The number of children who are exposed to this in varying degrees each year is even worse than the “known statistics” which are around 15%-25% of girls and 5%-15% of boys. Put a hundred kids in a room and as many as twenty five of them could be victims.

Children should not be on the internet by themselves, teenagers should be constantly monitored (they have to have some chance to learn independence after all) and it should never be a hush hush topic.

I wonder if the advertisers on this sick heads’ site are aware of his activites - I highly doubt it!