Spanish teaching resources - interesting findings

Hello Everybody,

While searching in Internet came across the following site ( where the lists of good resources for teaching Spanish have been listed. 2 of them were known to me, i.e. Little Pim and Whistlefritz but the other two not - Calico spanish and PetraLingua. Both looks very intersting but I was impressed by Calico Spanish program, it is the whole curruculum. Quite expensive program, they have special prices for families (not schools).

Thought that it could be intersting and useful to share.

Talking generally about learning languages, I must say I was very sceptical myself when I started to teach my son different languages, frankly speaking did not believe that it could be successful. Now he is about 5 years and speaks 4 languages (3 quite fluently and one not really, mixing Dutch and English words in English). So now I am quite enthusiastic to restart Spanish and Chinese (we were studying these 2 languages 2 years ago and had quite good progress but then I stopped due to several reasons). I know sometimes people afraid to start learning a language they do not speak themselves but don’t be. I think that children have HUGE hidden resources and they could easily cope with everything. Pity that when people grown up, they loose these resources somehow.
Ok, sorry, it was about Spanish resources and not about us :biggrin:

Hi Jane,

Thank you for sharing the Spanish resources.

We have just started learning Spanish with my almost 2-year old son. Neither me, nor my husband speak Spanish (my native language is Russian, and my husband’s is English). Right now we only watch Salsa, 1 episode a day, although he loves it and asks for more.

What are the 4 languages that your son speaks? At what age did you introduce those languages? Does he speak any languages that neither you, nor your husband speaks? Would you share your story of teaching foreign languages to your son?

I would like to start Chinese with my son as well. I would actually love to have my son learn as many languages as possible. Just not sure how to do it.

What do you think of Salsa, Oasis? Are you still watching it?

Sorry for late response. I have missed the question.
My son still loves Salsa after more than 1 year. We’re rewatching it now. My son learned a lot from it. Now he is able to watch Peppa Pig in Spanish and I believe, he understands almost everything.
There is also an amazing site that has extended activities for Salsa episodes

It’s so good. I hope my child speak spanish.