Spanish songs

Today I was looking a beautiful song that I used to sing when I was in a folkloric group when I was a teenager… Yesterday, of course. I want to share with you. It is lovely, wonderful,… for me. Apart from that, I began to search other songs that I will leave here, for you, you, and you. lol The cloud and the sun :clown: :clown: :smiley: :slight_smile: :biggrin: I am a cup ducklings quack quack the little tortoise Very funny!! I loved when I was a little girl…

Gracias Nuria - I loved the osito de “soy una taza”, very funny… my little guy will love that tomorrow morning :laugh:

Nunca sabia que se dice “ciempies”, sé la regla de la combinación de /b/ o /p/ con /m/ pero de toda manera pensé que era cienpies, voy aprendiendo tambien! Agredezco todos los recursos que compartes.

I have a favour to ask - could you share (since it wasn’t that long ago :wink: ) any classic Spanish books from your childhood? :biggrin:

Also, what programs/ songs are out there that teach Spanish phonics… I found this, at least I recognise the tune

Hello Louis,

Sorry for my late answer. I don´t remember any special reading book of my childhood apart from the classical and international Three little pigs, the Red Ridinghood… and so on. Well, I remember right now only one Platero y yo , by the famous Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez. I loved repeat Platero es ……. …… Here I leave you a link where you can have a look. Platero y yo I have found this tale, but I think it is international. … have a look El pastor mentiroso

Better I remember the songs such as Debajo un botón ton ton
Sorry, although I am a Spanish speaker, I cannot remember typical Spanish tales. With my daughter, I am showing all in the English language, because I have enough time now. I cannot afford to pay a bilingual school, I think. She is learning Spanish with her environment, but I want she is able to learn basic notions of the English language, and if possible reading with so good programmes such as LR. In the future, she will have a private native teacher. That is my idea.
Perhaps, someone in the forum can help you more. Anyway, if I remember another Spanish tale I will post here. I have to leave you my daughter is coughing again. She has been ill this week.

Louis I am here again, with my daughter in my lap, she is better lol lol and she wants to take the mouse of my laptop.

I have found this link in relation to Sp phonetics

Hope it helps

another song pin pon