
Gabriel had his first bowl of spaghetti tonight. He loved it! And he didn’t make too much of a mess either.

I remember pictures of me with spaghetti all over my face, so I thought it would be fun to share pictures of our little ones eating spaghetti.

Spaghetti! Yum!

My boy just had spaghetti for the first time the other day, too, and it was a mess! lol

e too loves spaghetti . last Friday we gave her spaghetti and she eats very well. so sorry that i could not take a pic. next time i would take a pic and show you all

He is sooo big! And sooo cute!

my little one is still to small but i can’t wait to see yhe mess she will make.

Wait until you get the mess in the pants! pooooooo, especially from the canned spaghetti. I’ve looked after a few kids, and I’m sure I always got them after that extra special spaghetti meal! Oh well, we all have to do it :blink:

Oh boy, does Marina love her pasta! The first pic is the first time she had it, the second is the look you get if you get between her and her spaghetti!!

What a mess! And she has a devilish little grin like she knows she’s making a mess!

I just love those spaghetti pictures. Marina is so cute!

She’s a total hambone - I’m waiting for the words, “I’d like to thank the academy…”

Except for the last few days, poor little duffer’s sick and so lethargic - a different kid altogether.
