SOS - When to expect results ???


I’m teaching my 24mo son to read (Doman style, but just ONE language) since one and a half month. 8)

You have to know that :

  • he doesn’t really talk yet, he just says a few words, no sentences
  • he is bilingual (oral comprehension) since birth
  • I got him started on english too since about 3 weeks (oral +written, learning DVD +flashcards)
  • I’d love to do math too but I have to much work on getting the 3 language-reading-programs working

He seems to like to look at flashcards and shows when he’s had enough of a set of words he “knows”.

My problem is, he doesn’t read any word and refuses to play games like “where is the word cat”, …

It’s my first early eduction experience and I think I’m just affraid of doing sth. wrong… :wacko:

I hope he’ll start to talk in sentences soon ! :huh:

How long did it take you to see some “results” ?

Help, please.

Hi Dorer,

Most boys who are slow to use words end up being just fine. If your child seems to understand everything you say, is able to make his needs known, seems to play normally, and can do other things at an age-appropriate level, then I don’t think you need to worry. By age three or so, he’ll almost certainly catch up with his more talkative peers. Also I would suggest that you don’t test your child, and just continue with the program of one language. Children can learn a foreign language till they 5-10 years old. So I think its better you start off with math program as the ‘window of oppurtunity’ closes by 30 months. My son is bilingual from birth and now listens to 3 languages everyday, we speak English, grandparents speak our native language, and he watches programmes in English and Hindi, our official language. He speaks English in sentences of 2 or 3 words, seems to understand the other languages. Don’t make your son do anything he refuses as this will put unwanted stress on him as well as you and he will associate learning with stress or something that makes parents unhappy. This will lead him to be non cooperative with your efforts. So carry on with the reading schedules and have faith that he will catch up. Also keep learning fun. I would also suggest that you concentrate on 1 language at this time and talk to him as much as possible, be narrative of his daily activities, and encourage to speak. I think he will do fine. Please don’t worry about results. All children are unique with their own set of skills. All will learn at their own pace.

Hope this helps

Thanks anjie !

Your suggestion starting with math as soon as possible is right, I’ve forgotten the “30 mo window of opportunity” ! I’ll start to read Doman’s book tonight.

I have a job where everything has to go very FAST, where you can see the results and reajust quickely…

I’m not used to the “do it,wait and see” system. :nowink:

I’ll have to be patient and believe in what I’m teaching him, you are right !

Thank you so much for your answer.

Any other suggestions ??? :confused:

Please… !

Dear Dorer,

Firstly, pardon me for being direct… :biggrin:

To see “results”, u must 1st take that fast result idea out of your head. A child input years can be till 3 yrs old if u start from birth. Some show output only from 4 yrs old onwards. When that mindset of seeing results, u might never see them at all. Cos your expectation is always there and u will never see even if your child do show anything.

I started off with these brain training methods with my boy and always feel pressured to see results since he started at age 2 which is really kind of late for such training methods. Partly also becos I paid high fees for those classes like Shichida. I realized that that was very wrong after finding out abt GD. I had to totally change my mindset and teach at a pace we both enjoyed and we had great fun together.

Now i would tell my frens to teach with just simply love for the child and use the sessions as great bonding time rather than drilling time. Me and my boy would call our sessions “fun time” cos that’s when he gets to spend more than 1 hr with my full attention and games and cards that i made just for him. I am a working mummy, hence time is very precious to me… I was doing the program all by myself with no help at all from hubby then, hence making regular sessions a challenge. But effort spent these years are worth it for sure. I am now enjoying my “results” with a child independent in his studies and also in other areas like sports. Btw, he dun even read till he is 4+…and he was a slow reader then…He is now in 1st grade but he is reading at 4th grader level. I am surprised but yet very happy cos I have not expected anything from him and there he is showing me the results of our happy sessions.

By the way, no need to rush for that 30 mths thingy. We started dot cards at age 2 with dots and he did not have any issues with learning maths at all. What u need is just consistency in showing those cards for the next few months cos child after 3 might have difficulty seeing the dots. Remember to do at a pace which is comfortable for both of u. No point getting pressured cos child can sense your stress immediately without u showing it on your face. That hinders child’s learning mood and ability.

Just carry on with your language cards as per schedule. Dun worry abt whether is he “learning” them yet. Dun test…never even attempt to do it especially when child is unwilling to even play the game.

Some kids just talks later…once they start, they never stop…maybe u will find that “annoying” later lol . My nephew a mth younger than my boy starts talking in full sentences only when is was almost 4. He can sure annoy everyone at anytime right now. :biggrin: U can speak as many languages as u like with child. Reading can be keep to maybe a max of 2 languages?

Just want to share my thought… :slight_smile:
