Soroban/Anzan online course for adults - Anyone interested?


I would like to conduct Soroban/Anzan online courses for adults. Is anyone interested? If so, what are your interests and concerns.

Definitely interested.

Immediate things that jump to mind -

How much
payment method
what media
group lessons or private or both
What time zone

I’m interested as well. What materials will be used?

I prefer conducting one-on-one private lessons. I have my own materials (kind of workbooks) for 6 levels where you can learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with/without abacus. Will organize it as BASIC and ADVANCED. BASIC covering + and - ADVANCED covering x and / decimals as well.

Will post more details after Christmas.


I will be conducting abacus(soroban) classes for adults online. If anyone is interested please send an email to “enrich [dot] brains [@] gmail [dot] com”.

The whole course is organized into 6 levels. For now, Level 1 course will cover addition and subtraction with visualization. You can learn multistep addition and subtraction involving all possible combinations. The course durations is 6 hours split into 1 hour class a week. A one-on-one session will be conducted. The course fee is USD199 (I bet you can’t find a cheaper course than this).

If anyone is interested to have a demo session, please mail me and I can work with you for a suitable timing.
