Somebody knows more about Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Hi Parents,

I have realized that CMV is a common disease that affects the baby if you have the sickness while you are pregnant. I didn’t know that it exists.

According with some webpages “HCMV infection without symptoms is common in infants and young children; as a result, it is common not to exclude a child known to be infected from school or another institution. Similarly, hospitalized patients are not typically separated or isolated.”

Somebody knows how common is it?

Thanks in advance

I have a lot of information on CMV at home (at work now) as it can effect the hearing of an unborn child if the mother is infected during the pregnancy. If you like, I can dig it out and post it here for you tonight?

Hi AussieMumofOne,

That will be great. I want to know everything that I can to avoid it and to help a friend in that situation.

Thank you

Hi Gilma,

I find wikipedia as a good and quick general reference resource:

OK, sorry for the delay, I had my notes all put away but found the stuff on CMV! I am not a medical doctor, just sharing what I know:

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a member of the Herpes family of viruses along with the Herpes Simplex virus, Epstein Barr virus and Varicella (chickenpox) virus. Like the others, exposure can result in a primary infection which can then become dormant for extended periods of time. CMV is NOT highly contagious and transmission can occur through direct contact with infected secretions such as urine, blood, semen, vaginal and breast milk. Most adults who contract CMV are asymptomatic or experience mild, flu like symptoms but primary infection in a pregnant woman can result in congential CMV in the infant in about 30% of cases. Much less frequently, a recurrent infection in someone carrying the dormant virus, can result in congential infection. 90 to 95% of infants affected will be born asymptomatic but 5-10% will be affected. This can include sensorineural hearing loss, microcephaly (small head), congenital cataracts, heptospemomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen) and petechiae (rash).

Don’t stress to much about CMV as the chances of contracting it are low and the chances of the baby being affected are also low. Hope this helps!

I know a very good friend of mine who was infected during her pregnancy. She likes to inform people of the unknown virus regularly on facebook too. If you want, I can get more information for you?


AussieMumofOne, it is wonderful to know about the virus which i didn’t know about before…

thanks for the great information!