some free maths, english, american history etc stuff

Dont think this sites been mentioned before…

Looking it over, looks great so far. Thanks you for the interesting link. K to u.

Thank you for the excellent resource, Nikita! javascript:void(0)

Just purchased high school maths algebra, geometry, and statistics. Thanks

Hello Mother of Faith could you pls let us know how do you like these materials? do you find them worth it? I am always keeping an eye for new tools.

Thanks a million


So far it is exactly what I am looking for. It is short and straight to the point. And it has the assessments or worksheets they call it to coorespond. I just paid around 14.00 because if you email then for info they will auto. send you a coupn code and it gives you 10% off. Isn’t much but it is something to help. I like it so far. I love how it monitors your participation and the score of the test at the end, and it records the date taken last. So it can be used as recording keeping as well. At the end of each unit it has a test to take as well which you can use for assessing the children’s knowledge for the next course. I am looking into purchasing the Kindergarten reading/english next, then proceed on. It will allow to print the items once you pay. I chos ethe single course option but for those who need the grades 1-5 the combined price for one subject like math is around 71.00 for the entire year. IF you are looking for Social Studies the only one it has is American History which is targeted for high school. So far it is worth it to me. However if you have a high schooler who is above the average for math then choose the High School Math instead of the one I chose. Also if you have a child that is advanced say a preschool who can do kingdergarten skills then you may want to purchase the kindergarten level. You can view some of the samples just click on the blue links and it will show you the sample. If you are needing a quick short get straight to the point curricula or if you do not have a lot of time to teach then I recommend this to you. I like it so far, and I am creating binder for the kids tomorrow to use the curricula. I am purchasing the next levels soon. I will be using this for our co-op as well.

In my area (Victoria, Australia) you can do homeschooling using distance education (DECV) learning materials. If you qualify under certain criteria eg. travel too far to a school, diisabilty keeping you from a school, or even just a recommendation from a school that advise them you (the child) would benefit from home education, you may get free tutors helps (marking work, keeping records etc), but if not the cost is still the same…$150 per child per year (a year level of full curriculum, covering all 8 subject areas). Just means the parent does all that themselves, there is no online help or sending in papers for assessment. I’m sure other states in other countries would have some distance education based on their public schooling curriculum.

Where I live it is way more expensive. I would gladly pay that much for 1 year but in KY in the US it is more expensive. I’m sure those in Australia should check this out. Ours here run from 50.00-100.00 a MONTH not a year.

well you know if things are consumed (as in, written in) they can be reused, lent out, taken back again, lent out again…And I plan to now have my stuff written in. In primary school we had an exercise book, and just put the question number, then the answer. Ans sometimes we’d write the quesion out again. handwriting practice!! So the originals were “unused”.
Maybe it would be cheaper to have a heap of books sent shipmail from Australia, (from someone such as I who can access things cheaply) then returned, or lent elsewhere first, then to buy it in the states!!! (Just that the themes would be more Aussie). Mind you, I would be able to access Gr 5 curriculum next year, but probably not the first level (“prep” …you call it Kinder 5 I think) as my 2 year old wouldnt qualify for that level yet!! But maybe in a year and a half…she might…

If you would be willing that would be a very good idea. Of course you can use a plastic sheet protector to cover the book page as well. All you have to do is slit the side, we do it all of the time. Would you be willing to lend out to us (me) in the US if us (I) paid the shipping then us (I )in return ship them back to you that is if you trust the person (I) that much to do that, maybe purchase the books or place a rental fee on the books? Wonder how much the shipping would cost? Something to think about? Or you could supply your neighbors with the curricula or do what I have done here in KY, start your own home education library for those in your area? Your are welcome to PM me about more.

Thanks for the reply Mother of Faith!
