Some children face difficulties to pronounce letter

Some children face difficulties to pronounce letters. can we help them?

yes, we can help them. my little sisters are facing this problem now. they sing Barny song " i love you , you love me" as “i love woo, woo love me” so i thing this problem will face you all.
let us help them. we can sing them one letter rhymes like.

   Betty bought some butter, the butter was bitter
so,she bought some better butter to make bitter butter, better butter.

so send me this types of rhyme to make their tongue to easy spell

Betty bought some butter, the butter was bitter
so,she bought some better butter to make bitter butter, better butter.

she sell sea shell on a sea so at seashore

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She sells sea shells on the seashore and the shells she sells are sea shells.

Betty bought some butter, the butter was bitter
so,she bought some better butter to make bitter butter, better butter.

she sell sea shell on a sea so at seashore

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

She sells sea shells on the seashore and the shells she sells are sea shells.

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