'Soft Way to Mozart' - piano teaching for little kids and beginners

‘Soft Way to Mozart’ - piano teaching for little kids and beginners.
Ayesha Nicole pointed to this site in another thread - thank you Ayesha so much and karma point to you. I researched this method and I like it very much. I am really reconsidering my previous choice and I am thinking about buying this software.
But I would really love to know what others think about this method and if someone has any experience or references. I would appreciate any input.
Thank you.

This is from their website about thier method of teaching piano:

Learn piano gradually by small stepsThe general approach of the Soft Mozart teaching method to piano learning consists in dividing the complex technique of piano playing into a set of simple skills, breaking the learning process into small stages and providing maximum support of the progress of the student in each stage. Any new information needed to learn piano is introduced in small portions, in the most intuitive visual way, and only when it is really needed for the successful advancement in the piano playing. The student never faces a task that can’t be accomplished after short training, and that could discourage him from further studies. This gives the student the confidence and enjoyment during the piano learning process.

Music reading as a basis and a goalSoft Mozart teaching method focuses on the most important part of music education - learning to read music notes. Music reading skills support extensive music practice with or without the teacher, and ensure the student’s unlimited progress. The method uses transformed note and staff representations to simplify the whole music score and emphasize particular features of it. With a support of the Soft Mozart piano learning software, all beginners intensively read music notes from the very first lesson, even 2-year-old children. Different learning exercises improve essential skills needed for fluent music reading.

Learn piano by playing real music
A very effective approach of Soft Mozart to piano teaching is to enable any beginner to read and play real music from the very start of their piano learning. Playing music is the best music exercise for a student as well as strong motivation for further music practice. In order to avoid months of abstract memorizing, the method introduces a revolutionary music score representation and special key stickers to allow any beginner, small children as well as adults, to read and play songs from the first piano lesson. The interactive learning software gently guides the student during piano playing, and the gradual transition to a normal music score provides the most effective and painless method of learning to read music notes.

Development of basic skillsAn efficient approach of the method is in determining and developing in the student such simple basic skills that are crucial for music reading and piano playing. Special exercises provide intensive practice for particular skills, including ear training.

Providing more practiceIn order to provide a student with effective music practice, all exercises are implemented in the form of colorful computer games, attractive to adults as well as toddlers. Total interactivity and visual hints provide a comfortable environment during music activities, playing songs as well as exercises, and reduce the need of a music teacher’s involvement. That gives the possibility for productive training in music classes, or at home. With our learning piano software, any beginner plays in several times more during a piano lesson.

This method uses no lectures about music theory, and needs no essential verbal or written introduction. All piano learning software uses a very simple intuitive user interface, utilizes no explanations during a game, and demands no reading skills from the player. That eases the teaching process and gives the possibility to involve very young children in it.

We are sure that the approaches used in Soft Mozart are capable of producing a breakthrough in music education and of forming a music literate society.

I would like to know what do you think about this method… Thank you.

Dear Martina,

Your welcome. And thank you! :biggrin: I personally thought it was very unique and easy for children of any age to learn piano. I remember when my grandmother attempted to teach me piano when I would visit her in the summertime - and I got so frustrated with trying to learn how to read the music sheets and figure out the corresponding keys on the piano - even though she marked them with letters. I struggled and eventually gave up and so did she. I regret it. I also had opportunities to play an instrument of choice in our school band, and quickly dropped out. I now realize that it was probably the teaching method that just did not work for my personal learning style.

I think that this method is easy and fun for children to learn piano.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting this. I’ve never heard of the program, but am definitely going to do some investigating.

I also think the program deserved to be taken into consideration. I’ve watched the videos and found very interesting the first contact with musical notes (association with pictures and, then, reversing of the chord so that the child would perceive the simultaneous sounds in sequence in a more natural way). I would also like to find out if anybody has had direct access to this program, because the method seems to be really enjoyable.

thank you for posting… I am trying to fin the right way to teach my son piano…

You have to have a midi keyboard to use this program. Too bad, that’s definitely not in the budget.

You may purchase for $99 (61 keys + MIDI) in any Best Buy in the USA.

Does any of you know why it is recommended to start teaching piano to kids with learning by ear?
This method teaches both at the same time. What do you think about it?

Thanks it helped a lot.

Because other approaches unable to provide visual support in reading music notes and they have nothing else to offer.

Thank you for your input. As a music teacher would you recommend me to by Soft Mozart Software to teach my 3 years old daughter? It costs $200. I do not play piano myself (I would like to learn with my daughter) and there is no suitable teacher in my small town. I was considering some books teaching how to play piano small kids (Lisa Childs Piano books) but the software seems better if I can not play myself. What do you think? Thank you, Martina

Monika, I have just read an article you recommended in another thread. It ends up with - Soft Way to Mozart Software…
Are you somehow connected to the company? It would be great if you are… Please let me know. Thank you.

Soft Mozart is my forte. I would be happy to answer any questions here

I am still not sure if you are from “Soft way to Mozart/Doremifasoft” company, but I am happy that you know details about the program and you can answer my questions.

If you are from the company, you may help me with this: I found out that I can not import any “other” MIDI files into Gentle Piano program (I wanted to teach my daughter playing Czech nursery rhymes fist/as well). On Doremifasoft forum I got answer that I can send them music and they would transfer them to Gentle Piano music. It would be great and I asked about details (I even sent them an email) but has not gotten any answer since then… Can you help or not?

My other question is about piano keys and correct fingers. Soft way to Mozart does not stress correct fingers, I gues it does not even teaches it. I have never gotten any piano training myself so I was wondering… How important is it to teach piano with correct fingers? I have friends that were taught to play piano regular ways and they say that it is very important and that is why they do not recommend Gentle Piano software to get for my daughter.

Can you advise, please? Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

this is great thank you

Yes, I can help you!
The ‘other’ MIDI files could be added to your Program, but they would be ‘custom made’ and each song would cost you about $15-$30 based on difficulty. You would have to send the images of the sheet music and wait. However, the pieces that already included in the package are good enough to develop skills to play piano with 2 hands and read music fluently

My other question is about piano keys and correct fingers. Soft way to Mozart does not stress correct fingers, I gues it does not even teaches it. I have never gotten any piano training myself so I was wondering.... How important is it to teach piano with correct fingers? I have friends that were taught to play piano regular ways and they say that it is very important and that is why they do not recommend Gentle Piano software to get for my daughter.

Let’s put it this way: imagine yourself in a dark room. You ought to remember, how many steps between pieces of furniture, how many steps between walls etc. All the not-Soft Mozart ways of teaching music rely on muscle memory. My Soft Mozart students simply SEE the connection between notes and keys right away, they know, what they are doing and going to do. At first they are clumsy in fingering, but after playing a piece couple of more times they figure out the most comfortable fingers themselves!

For example, watch this lesson with 3 year old girl. She plays ‘Hot Cross Buns’ using 2 hands and is doing it with all the wrong fingers. But as soon as she start playing and memorizing only the right hand she naturally use 3-2-1 fingers.

Our brain is working the way that we can’t process too much of information at the same time (like computer freezes when we overloading it with too many programs). Traditional approaches try to teach by fastening fingers to keys - Soft Mozart teaches to listen, to hear and understand music and find the most natural way to produce it.

Hope, I answer your questions!

Thank you Helen for your answer.
If someone buys your program does it come with any manual for teaching piano and/or using your program for teaching? I know about some advices you provide on your both websites, but do you provide your customers with some manual that is more detailed and komplex? It would be great. Thank you.

I developed year lesson plan and usually sent it in document file to you upon your request.

Just came accross a website and found a testimony http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?page=2&t=86974:

"[i]I was in this same position and I stumbled across Soft Mozart. I bought it for Otter and Emily and both used it and really did learn and learned WELL. I know this because Otter “impressed” a teacher at Awanas with his piano playing (he was playing Moonlight Sonata). She offered him free lessons because of all the songs he was playing and how much he loved piano.
He was well past the beginning materials she brought to the first lesson and he was already reading music quite fluently, etc.

Soft Mozart was totally painless. The kids just sat down with it every day and played the games as well as the songs via the provided music and went from knowing nothing to playing regular real songs in a short time.
After awhile Otter would request the music for songs he likes (Onward Christian soldiers, Amazing Grace, etc.) and I would print it off the Internet and then he would sit and just play (literally) the music from what he learned “naturally” with Soft Mozart.

I know I sound like a commercial and it probably sounds really gimmicky but it really did work for us.
Mind you that Otter is VERY motivated and LOVES music, but it even worked out fine for Emily (she also used an Alfred Adult Course book in addition to Soft Mozart). Otter actually did better than her using mostly only Soft Mozart.
My kids’ motivation came from inside them rather than from me pushing it. I never required it. Never reminded, etc. It was totally up to them and using Soft Mozart they did it.

I think it’s a good place to start if you can’t or don’t want to get a teacher for awhile. At some point I think it would be good to move on to a teacher, but Soft Mozart could, in my opinion, easily work for quite some time. As I said above, Otter was playing music I printed from the Internet with NO problem. Soft Mozart has plenty of material from very beginning pieces like Soft Cross Buns, to very complicated pieces. You can get an idea of what there is from the website. There are a lot of videos and there is an area where you can preview some of the songs included in the big package.
It’s fun, it’s easy to get started with and you don’t have to know anything to start it.
Otter is a total success story for it.
Also, even though he has free lessons now each week, he continues to use Soft Mozart and I believe it’s helping him to progress even quicker than he would otherwise.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Jenn, Wife to Charles
Mom to “Emily” 17, “Bear” 15, and “Otter” 10
Veterans of too many things to list!

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