'Soft Mozart' discount for members of this forum

I am here. So, we’ll begine.

My 4-year-old and 6-year-old have taken keyboard lesson for a year, the old one is playing ode to joy but is struggling with playing
two hands with different notes, one month pass by with the same song and she is getting discouraged. They have a great teacher from Russian as well.
They are both learning notes and good pace but hand seperation is tough. I am not sure with version to buy for them. It seems
that the deluxe version has more songs for practice, but are they all build in the software?

Any tip for finger seperation?

Hi Helena

my baby is 15 months old. I am using TW and Trebellina to teach her some musical notes and she is very interested in it. Why do I have to wait until she is two to teach Soft Mozart please?

I don’t know anything about music or piano. Does it effect my baby learning piano via Soft Mozart please?

And what should I look for in a keyboard or digital piano to enable the Soft Mozart lessons?

Should I buy a keyboard or digital piano or piano? Does it matter to the lessons? Does it matter to the music ear or perfect pitch please?

I take it that with Soft Mozart I don’t have to worry about a piano teacher yet??? When do I have to start worry about that, or not at all please?

And I am living in New Zealand. How much would it be to ship to NZ please?
Many thanks.

Hi Helena

I forgot to ask. I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bits. Can I use Soft Mozart still please?

For others

I don’t like Microsoft keep changing their Windows and not letting us use old version. At the time I bought my computer, they were all Windows Vista and MS 2007 for documents. Now they are talking about abandoning Vista and introducing Windows 7??? What happen to people like me? It’s too expensive to buy another computer every 2-3 years.