Soft Mozart anniversary special discounts: 1st - 21st of February

In celebration of Hellene Hiner’s birthday (February 21st),
Music Vision International LLC is offering a discount of 50% on all Perpetual copies of Soft Mozart,
and a 30% discount for all Subscriptions.
Piano key stickers are for FREE
for those who got the software!

Offer lasts from 1st to 21st of February.

Coupon code for PERPETUAL is hhbd50
Coupon code for SUBSCRIPTION is hhbd30

Here’s my family’s experience with Soft Mozart and my view as Soft Mozart forum member:

"I joined the Soft Mozart community in December 2011. I knew nothing about teaching piano to my (now) 4 and a half years old son and needed help and advice. Along with other mothers just like me, we asked questions, helped each other and Hellene Hiner guided us each all the way. In time, the English community grew more and more, and other teachers came to help, and we could help other parents or newcomers the more experience we had with our children. Skype video sessions with Hellene have proved to be very helpful!
What impressed me the most is that someone always comes to your help. I was very surprised to find so opened piano teachers, who can listen to you, encourage you, give you a piece of advice. No matter your music education or age, you’re treated with respect and answered according to your understanding.

And both piano teachers (see and parents are so creative! Every week there’s some great idea for teaching materials. For instance, Ines (Poland), one of our inspiring piano teachers, is keeping us up to date with the materials she is using in class and how to make them. If you are Polish and need help with Soft Mozart, post on her thread! She is happy to help you! Here’s some of her ideas:

As for me, I found the teaching videos to be of tremendous help! I didn’t need to ask about finger placement, just learned the pieces with Soft Mozart and practiced them along with the videos. My son, who has progressed much in the latest 2-3 months or so, has started to use them too and is improving his skills. Here’s a video with his Christmas present or New Year’s Eve present to me (at least this is how I took it):

I would love to see and read from more people using Soft Mozart. I’m sure some of us don’t have the time to post often, but anything shared from one’s experience or any question asked gives you back support, encouragement or the advice needed; and to others like me in this community means something to learn from.
Andrea Sandu"

PS: Hellene Hiner has re-started the Skype conferences 1-on-1.

Thanks Andrea,

Just to confirm what you said. We joined December 2011 also. We’ve been nothing but pleased. It hasn’t worked as well as I’d like for my 2 year old, but that is ok. It is working very well for Miss C., our little girl with Down Syndrome. Her progress has been amazing, especially since most “experts” suggest that starting a DS child on piano at 3 is crazy. She is much too young and that DS children can’t read music. Well, that is simply not true. Now, if we were using any method other than Soft Mozart that might be true. Even the programs that use color would not have been accessible to Miss C. for at least two more years. Soft Mozart has made it so easy to narrow down just the basics or her. She could learn to read the music and play with one finger on one hand and not worry about the rest. We keep adding more information as she is ready. Now that she gets the whole idea of playing notes, the only thing holding her back is getting her fingers to do what she wants them to do.

In the video above is Cayla, she is in my daycare and has down syndrome. below is her 19 month old sister Ana and my son “helping” her play. She has only been with me for 7 weeks. We’ve played a few times with me holding her hands while she plays - otherwise she has gotten this by osmosis. Soft Mozart makes it so easy to teach piano to nearly any child.

My almost 13 months old son is learning to speak the notes. He’s trying to say the first three (“do”, “te”, “ii” in his speech).
He pays very much attention when me or his older brother play piano and he got the idea of playing with one finger only. He doesn’t bang the keys, instead seems like he’s trying to do some fnger exercises. Very funny! I believe in few months he will surprise us. He has access to piano anytime he wants so the opportunity is there all the time.

Way to go, Sonya!

Wow Sonya - amazing videos! Thanks for sharing these. I must get my boy trying but I’m not sure he’s going to be as focused as Ana!

Well, my son’s focus comes and goes. :slight_smile: Note - I said nearly any child. 8)

Hi all,

I just want to share with you guys the same thing we did with our daughter too. Chanya is 3 years old girl, she really likes to read and she likes music. She was able to read since around 7 months old. We just found the miracle of using technology to teach our child to read.

So when she was almost 3 years old, she saw people playing piano on TV and she told me she wanted to be pianist. So we thought technology might work on music teaching too. So after searching and reading the reviews of many programs available, we also ended up using Soft Mozart with her and it works very well. My husband and I really satisfied with the program. This is an example of her video. In this video, it’s been about 1 month after using the program.

The program said you can start your child since 2 years old. I think music is also another key for kid’s brain development. It’s very big window opportunity for the child that we should not overlook.

Thanks SoftMozart and Happy Birthday to Hellene :slight_smile:

I thought I’d give an update, too :laugh:

Nikki is 3y4m and we have been doing bits of SM since August. He hasn’t progressed as far or as fast as I had hoped, partly because he started getting frustrated with the keyboard and bashing it, so we had to put it away for a couple of months until he was ready to use it gently again. He might not be playing complicated pieces with two hands, but he is still doing very well considering his age. He loves to play the ‘Guess Key’ game and catch all the notes, which he does with great accuracy. He has a general awareness of where each note is on the keyboard (though he does still check the guide pictures, he looks almost immediately at the right one). He also knows the solfege names for all the notes, and can order do-do and re-re (I haven’t actually tested him starting with the other notes, though I expect he probably could do them too) and sings the Music Alphabet Song more-or-less in tune.

He has finally consented to play Gentle Piano, which has frustrated him for a long while. I don’t know exactly why he didn’t like it, but I suspect it had something to do with having to hold the notes down and getting frustrated when he had to repeat a note several times to make it move on because he didn’t want to hold the key down :rolleyes: He is now working on using three fingers to play RH for Hot Cross Buns (he plays it well with one finger). I haven’t managed to get him on video yet, but I have one of him playing the Note Alphabet song from a few months back that shows how much he enjoys his music lessons…

Typical - I say I can’t get a video and he does this lol

You can see what I mean by hitting a note several times to get the right duration :wink:

MummyRoo, that first video was one of the most precious videos I’ve ever seen. What a delight to be able to teach our children. How wonderful it is to know their whole world expands when you just give them the tools to understand their world. I loved it!

I love all these videos!! I just purchased SM for my son and hope he will like it. I myself got inspired and want to learn it. Nikki in the first video made me laugh. How cute! He does sing solfege and I like his little guitar :slight_smile:

BTW this is the LAST day to get this SM promotion. For those who have been considering this, don’t miss this chance.

I recently purchased the 12 month English Soft Mozart software for windows. I have always dreamed of learning to play the piano and now that I have a 3 1/2 year old I also dream of teaching her to play. I used the note flash cards and she quickly learned the flasetto notes do rey mi fa sol la ti do both forwards and backwards. Once I put the stickers on the keys she instantly recognized the notes through the pictures that we learned on the flash cards. The software looks fun and makes playing the piano seem like a game. I am excited to see how the program will go.