social needs

Hello everybody,
I really like this site, and I wish to find a site to learn language and communicate among kids. I’ll be grateful if anyone help me with that. I really want to improve my kids social needs by chatting with other kids, but how can I do so. actually I don’t know may you help me with that? :wub:


I would say there wouldn’t be to many if any for something like that on the internet. Most likely due to the predators on the internet to begin with. Really doing so on the computer can be very dangerous. I wouldn’t trust that who my child is talking to on the computer is actually another child.
Now if you did something like Skype where you have a camera and asked to friend people then that’s a different story, and a good way to fill that social need if you live out in the middle of no where.

The best way to fufill children’s social needs is to get them around other children when you can. The best places are libraries, parks, preschool groups ( if one is not available, then start one), or churches, YMCA’s(not sure if those are available in other countries). Sometimes even going to a fast food place they have little activity areas that kids can play in. If you have older children, Girl or Boy Scouts (Guides), community sport clubs , other schools sometimes open up activities to parents depending where you live.
So really there are many options out there, you just have to utilize them. But I really would steer clear from the computer for social outlets when it comes to children. But that’s my two cents.