So dare I ask...who are you going to vote for?

I’m still undecided as to who I’m going to vote for. So I would love to hear your thoughts (if your willing to share) :unsure:

I won’t comment except to say that this is SUCH an incredibly exciting election!!!

Obama, he inspires me and McCain campaign is really running a sleazy campaign. I agree with Obama on the issues as well, hehe.

I live in Australia… We have 2 major parties, and a few others. They elect their own leaders internally, so there’s none of this campaigning state to state month after month (it feels like it’s been going on for 2 years over there!!! When will there actually BE a new president out of all this whoopla? We’d have a new Prime Minister in a few months here.). It seems to me that it’s all about people running because they have mega millions and can afford to run. That seems very very wrong, morally and ethically. people arent running based on political ability to govern but but financial ability to finance a campaign, which looks like a people barracking for a football game. Doesn’t it make more sense to have the democrats and republicans elect their own leaders, not the population (cut out the months of campaigning…think of the MONEY to be saved!!!), then those leaders/parties run a campaign for the population to vote on all in the same day.??? So much less effort, and time and money wasted… sorry if this seems critical but here in australia everyone Ive spoken to have been watching these elections in disbelief at how complicated it all is… it could be really straightforward… then again you should read the write up in the Herald sun a couple of weeks back about Sarah Palin… how she defends the right for americans to shoot each other, and stuff like that. We just do not get it, over here. If the constitution is wrong, and people die left right and centre as they do over there because people own guns, then why defend it? Why not CHANGE it? It isnt our right to own guns. Where do people get that idea?? It’s our right to wear clothes, and eat food… they arent dangerous. If it’s our right to own guns it’s our right to be drug addicts, wife-bashers etc.

No matter who you are voting for, I hope you get out and cast your vote!

I know … I know … I know, it’s a little late, but thought I’d throw my two cents in anyway. I wanted Dr. Ron Paul for President and Dennis Kucinich for Vice President. I thought one from each party who actually wanted to restore the constitution would be a good idea. Since neither the Dems nor the Republicans wanted a candidate who was in favor of restoring the constitution, I truly believe America voted it’s future into the continuation of destroying our constituted republic. This time, I’m afraid there will be no retreat. It is a sad, sad day to have to acknowledge that both McCain and Obama were patent oath breakers and the public did not listen to the warnings. I believe we’ll see a bright and good financial upturn, but it will HAVE to get ugly as the piper has to be paid. God bless America? He did! Now it should be, America, bless God!
