So Dakota is gifted!?!

I was recently told (by some confused adults) that Dakota, my 2 yo, is gifted. Lol. I always knew that Dakota was advanced because she was always way ahead of her peers and where the doc said she should be at her age. It wasn’t until recently (and upon findin this forum) that I realized she is a normal kid and I just must be doing something right. Now that I know that every child has the potenial for genius I am working with my girls every day to bring that out. I think it is silly that we are stuck in a society where adults feel that children are more like pets. You feed them, bathe them, love them, and play with them. And when one happens to be above normal it was all up to fate, their gifted!!! Instead of giving them the stimulation that every child deserves and can benefit from. I just wish more people knew. And those people I try to talk to about it would believe me. My parents still think I’m crazy. Even though after only a few months Dakota can almost read on her own. She is so close! I’m so proud! But anyway, i just wanted to share. And express my thanx to all of you wonderful parents who make this forum what it is : )

My parents and grandparents thought I was pushing my son too hard. If i hear let him be a kid one more time I might blow my top. I am letting him be a kid. He LOVES learning, because I’ve taught him it can be fun. I was always behind in school and I don’t want that for my son. Its not that he is always forced to learn, its that I carefully choose toys, books and tv time to be stimulating. My son didn’t know who Dora was until he was almost 4. Granted yes she is educational, but at the time I found Leap Frog videos and YBCR to be a better option.
Now that they see him almost 3 years later, my mom is always trying to get him to show my aunts what he knows. They are so proud of him. Any they see too that he is a normal little boy who loves trains, cars, tools and best of all LEARNING.
Now when I tell people I’m homeschooling they tell me, “he’s better off in your hands” :slight_smile:
Don’t let others tell you your crazy! Your little one will thank you when she is older!
Great Job!

Good for you for homeschooling! I don’t think I would be able to do it. I guess I am not organized enough. I often find myself not doing the things I planned to do with my girls at the days end. I guess I need to get into more of a schedule. The things we do are always fun and games when I have the materials prepared. Maybe I will change my mind later when the girls are older and it is easier to get into a schedule for the day : )