So confusing!

Hi, I’ve spent ages researching what to buy for my 6 mth old abnd Im confused! What is the difference between YBCR and the LR? Which one should I start with? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Your Baby Can Read (YBCR) is a DVD video program that consists of 5 volumes (4 plus a review) the dvd’s are about 30 minutes long and teach reading/recognition of some words. The series also has flashcards and such that you can (should) use in conjuction with the DVD’s You (are supposed) to watch each DVD daily for about 1 month then move on to next volume of YBCR and do the appropriate flashcards and such when you do. YBCR does NOT teach phonics.

Little Reader (LR) is a SOFTWARE not a DVD program. You can play it for a about 5-10 minutes a day, it shows words and pictures and video clips to demonstrate the concept/word being taught. You can modify LR by adding words, changing the font, personalizing it, etc. You can use Little Reader for 6 months or 12 months to teach several thousand words of reading. Toward the middle half of LR, they begin to use pattern phonics, by highlighting the syllables in words so your child can learn them if they haven’t intuited the patterns of phonics yet.

You can use LR for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening, 5 days or 7 days a week and it can be customized. You can easily print out words you’re child is learning to have physical flash cards, you can record your own voice to narrate words. You can add videos of your child performing the actions/ or their body parts faces for when these words are covered. You can add or delete sections of the curriculum or change them completely. You can download premade files created by other parent teachers if there is a word group you want to include.

OR you can just download and run LR exactly as it comes and still have no reason to fear your child wont learn. Though “Early Academic Learning” isn’t for everyone. You should download the demo session of Little Reader and give it a try for 14 days before spending any money on it. See if you can’t borrow YBCR from a library or DVD rental service to give it a try and find what works for you. If the whole ordeal is frustrating you, relax and take a deep breath and wait a few days before you introduce it to your baby. Babies can sense when mama is upset, and you want to only teach if teaching can be joyous.

LR seems more systematic to me and flexible, and If I could only get one of the two, I would get Little Reader. Both cost around 200-250 dollars, but I’m not sure on the price for either one.

Just wanted to add that you can teach your baby to read without either one also, if you dont like screen time for your under 2-3-whatever age, set. Or if you don’t want to spend 200+ dollars on reading at such a young age.

Hi! And Welcome to this wonderful forum! I hope that you enjoy your stay here and find something that is really beneficial to you.

There are several programs out on the market really for early reading.
Your Baby Can Read is the one that most know about because it is advertised on television.
Monkisee is another DVD program as well. It works just as well and is less expensive than YBCR.
I have used YBCR and in the process of using Monkisee. Both programs are fun to use. My 4 yr old loved watching YBCR in the beginning. She blew through the first 5 DVD’s in a month and a half. She got tired by the 5th DVD because they presented words she already knew how to read and sprinked in words she didn’t know but did it way to late into the DVD to keep her interest. So we’ve put that away for the moment.

Monkisee is another fun program. I say its a cross between YBCR and Seseme Street , Baby Einstein :biggrin: My daughter loves it. Her favorite right now is the Shapes video. She loves the flashcards. We always play word games with them. Monkisee teaches children more words than YBCR. Not only does it have the videos but there are two DVD’s that are tv flashcards. Sort of like having Powerpoint on your tv.

There is also Signing Times which teaches your baby to read and do sign language. Love and Learning for children that are specially abled. I’m sure there are more but those come to mind.

Little Reader is a computer software program. I have honestly felt that having a combo once they get older is very helpful. But if you have a little one you can get some posterboard and cut some nice slized flashcards out of them and put words on them.

MonkiSee’s flashcard DVDs are called Memoflix. One is by topic, the other has presentations for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a very good value for the price. And, it’s a good place to start. The way that it is set up encourages parent involvement. It’s not really a “turn it on and go wash the dishes” DVD. We also really like their other DVDs (these you CAN get a bit of housework done with!). My son is in love with Skip and Howie.

You’ll find a lot of suggestions if you search these forums - in fact, be prepared to be amazed at all the options! Welcome here, Amelia75. I hope you enjoy being here as much as we do!

Thanks so much for all the feedback, I did see the Monkisee packages as well so glad to get some positive feedback on them. Theres so much out there and Im so glad I found this website with the forum, thanks again for taking the time to respond.