so annoyed with myself!!!

For some silly reason, I didn’t get the little maths when it was still much cheaper, I really couldn’t afford it then and didn’t have enough points either, even when the announcement went out of the price increase, i thought it’ll be a little increase, I was going to purchase it now and just saw the price and defineitely can’t afford it now! I’m absolutely gutted and can’t kick myself enough. wish I had listened to people that advised to buy it then. guess i have to keep on saving and hopefully get it b4 the year runs out. grrrrrrrrrrrr… :mad:

advise to all, whatever you have to do, do it quick or like me, live to regret it!

Cool down! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are not alone, may of us are there in a similar position. Keep building your loyalty points and wait for them to announce discounts, that might help. I am waiting for the same too… :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot Questers, you really consoled me! At least we got the LR which is absolutely fantastic especially with the new curriculum, it makes life much easier.

I hope we’d be able to get some good discount with the points.

I feel worse cos i wrote in to ask on the exact downloads that can still be accessed if i did not get LR, but i cant even find the reply…

There are free downloads you can use to start math, printable flash cards and powerpoint slide shows. If you have powerpoint you can use the automated sorting macro I posted here to randomize slides. If you don’t have powerpoint, you can install a free powerpoint viewer program, but you won’t be able to change the slide show in any way. So you are stuck with watching slides in the same order. Maybe you could find powerpoint inexpensively at a store that resells used software, I have found found it on ebay for around $70. There is a free program to show slides that is part of OpenOffice I haven’t used OpenOffice before but I have heard you can open Powerpoint slide shows with it. Looking around, I haven’t seen anybody post an automated solution to randomize slides, but I think you should be able to do it manually.

Thanks a lot, will check for the free slides. I have open office, so hopefully it’ll work. will ,let you know how it goes. Thanks.

Thanx alot! May i noe if anybody know whether those downloaded files that comes with logos will distract our babies?

The free downloads are made by other useres here, I haven’t seen any advertisements.

as in those by brillkids… even those from kiasuparents aso same…

I looked at a Brillkids download and I see what you are talking about. I had always just avoided their downloads because they are saved so I can only view their slides not actually open the file for editing. I like to open the file so I can shuffle the slides. From the slideshows I have seen most users don’t use logos. If they did, I would just remove the logo, but I would have to open the file first.

You may want to refer to this attachment for what i am saying… e.g. on page 2 with the small word apple on the left and right there is “brillkids”…

I understand not wanting logos there, it interferes with the Doman concept of bits of information. That file is a .pdf made with adobe acrobat professional, which is very expensive (around $500 US retail probably could find used or older version for less). My guess is even if you had that program and tried to open it the file would be passworded so you couldn’t change it anyway. I was able to open it up in adobe photoshop, a photo editing program (also expensive if new), and alter it, but it took enough time that I think it would be faster just to make your own flash cards.

I think there are enough people that are using the free downloads that we can probably organize and divide up the tasks to make lots of quality files without logos :wink: .

Twinergy, thank you so much for your very detailed answer!!! REally appreicate it! Cheers!! Will do wat u suggested!! :smiley:

try the website and the for powerpoint presentations in english, spanish and other languages. if you can read chinese (or just use google translate), check out this website for more presentations (english and chinese):

goodluck. tell me how it goes with openning ppt 2007 files in OpenOffice - I might download it if it works for you.

they have the same categories in their powerpoint presentations which you can just edit, print and use as flashcards.