smoking toddler

babies trully are fast learners and so as parents, it’s our job to teach what’s good and not…

:wacko: I would just let him have his tantrum. The dad says that his son looks healthy, someone needs to show him what the lungs of a smoker looks like.

Unbelievable. Someone needs to take the child away from his irresponsible parents and put him in a rehab program.

At the weekend i watched these images in the news. It is really sad and I totally agree with nhockaday.

HOw can they be parents. >:( we even cant let our children watch this pic n vedios. :mad:

How can you teach an 18 month old to inhale and to continue to do it after coughing and choking on smoke? That video was very disturbing.

WOW!!! That first of all is just terrible. Be besides the childs health he’s putting his WHOLE family in danger, he could burn down their house!!!

Good point. That is funny. I never thought of that. Especially if he falls goes for a nap with a cigarette in his hand.

That is just horrific. What kind of a person would think that this is okay? This is a beautiful child - why would they do this to him? It just makes me angry. There are so many people out there who would love to parent and yet there are so many people who “parent” without using their brains! What other choices are they making for this child that are equally inappropriate? To top it off, while the people are dressed fine, the floor slats on the “deck” look like they could snap at any minute…why would a family of limited means hook their child on an expensive habit? ARRGGGHHHH!

That sounds horrific, but I have to admit I did not check out the video because I don’t think I could stomach it tonight. What are people thinking? I hope someone reports them to the authorities.

Well I am sure the parents smoke which is equally bad for the child. If you think they should take this child away then they should take every child away from parents who smoke.

I checked on youtube and there seem to be a lot of cases of 2 year-olds smoking!!!

My initial reaction was to blame his parents, but their comment about how he looks healthy shows their ignorance. Apparently children smoking tobacco is an epidemic in Indonesia, although this toddler is younger than most. The Indonesian government and the tobacco industry also have to take accountability. It will be interesting to see what kind of policy changes the Indonesian government will make as a result of this.

that’s just crazy >:(
but the thing is someone has to light the cig for him
so it not like they are just “letting him smoke”
they are helping him

I agree 100%, poor baby, what kind of parents he has? There should be an institution of child welfare or something that punishes the parents.