Slow and Steady get me ready? Any recommendations?

Is it worth purchasing the book
considering that we do lots of Doman, Shichida type activities.

Has anyone in this forum used the book. Any reviews?

I had this book many years ago. I used it a little but not as much as I could have. I think it has lots of good activity ideas if your not one who can come up with them all on your own.

I recommend checking it out from the library first if you can. Glancing through, it seemed like we had a lot of toys that did the same things as the toys/games they suggested making home made. They did offer some good ideas but it wasn’t as valuable to me as I thought it would be. I returned it to the library and did not purchase. Maybe I will revisit it again in the future.

Wanted to add if you can find it at your library I would do that first. If I had to do it again I don’t think I would have bought it.
I am reading this :slight_smile:

I somehow forgot posting this :slight_smile: Thanks zaku, it has a few preview pages that I could see if it is worth purchasing.

I like this book. It helped my son to learn a lot of things. Sometimes it is impressive how the book goes in the same speed as the child. But other times, the week activity is too advanced or to easy, so you must use it in your own way and not worried to follow page by page.

There is one activity for week from birth to 5.

But I also think it is a great book if you really have time, since some activities takes a long time to be prepared and to executed.

I have this book and find I used it a lot before I started doing Doman type things. I use it frequently now as I am getting a new daycare girl up to speed, and I still use it for Miss C. who has Down Syndrome. It is not going to be worth it for most of the parents on this board unless they are coming to EL with a toddler. They work on one letter week the last year. Well, it took us 3 weeks to get letters and sounds down with my newest daycare child - she is 19 months. So no, I don’t think it is worth it for you. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable.