Sleeptalk - anyone tried

It is said that to give babies and toddlers positive messages and firmup their self-esteem, sleep talk is a very effective technique.

Has anyone tried? What have the results been like?

There was a long thread called “Benefits of sleep talking” :slight_smile:

uhh that is something I haven’t done…let me google it!

except if you google “sleep talking” you’ll probably get results about people talking when they’re sleeping…


Probably better to try “sleep learning” or “learning during sleep”.

i will have to learn more about this :unsure:

I think the concept may be old one;

I have heard my mother tell me(many years back) that all of us siblings didnot pick-up thumb-sucking becoz she used to give some specific messages to each one while putting to sleep !!!

We all obeyed her. I dont remember at all though. :rolleyes:
I didn’t think much abt. it all these years.

Now isnt that wonderful!!