
If you have a child 2 or younger, what is their sleep schedule? When do they go to bed, get up, and take naps? Also, how long are their naps? My dd tends to only sleep for 30 minutes to an hour and I have heard other little ones sleep 2 hours or more. My dd also wakes up about once in the middle of the night every night. Any suggestions on how I can help her sleep better?

We have a very unique schedule because my husband and I both work late. My son gooes to bed at 11pm and then wakes between 9 and 10 am (when the nanny is there) then he takes a 3 hour nap during the day so he is able to spend time with us when we get home. It seems late to have a child up, but he is used to it this way and his schedule is just shifted so it allows us the maximum family time possible.

That’s sort of like Gabriel. He goes to bed at 11, but he sleeps all the way through to 10 AM or so. Then he only takes one nap (normally) during the day, and it’s normally less than an hour.

My boy sleeps round about 630pm, wakes up around 6am.

He takes naps in his playschool around 1pm, for 1-2 hours.

how easy for u winth

E sleeps at about 9 and would wakeup at about 0530 morning. and in between she wakes up at 1130
she takes a nep at 1200

I wished he had started sleeping through as early. What I didn’t mention was:
my toddler used to wake up 3-4 times during the night until I started training him to sleep through, round-about a month ago.

Had been waking up 3/4 times during the night just for the night feeds until he was 18 months. Worse off if he had a running nose or was feeling sick.
Thot it was normal to go through that as my elder boy did the same thing to me when he was the toddler.

The only good thing is that he sleeps around 630, which hasn’t changed since birth. But how I wished he would just wake up at 7 or 8 so that I could catch more sleep.

winth, may I ask what you did to “sleep train” him?

linzy, you’re schedule may not be as unique as you think. :wink: lol

We also aren’t far off from that. K, my daughter, goes to bed anywhere between 9-10pm and used to sleep until 8 or 9am… with one or two times of waking in the middle of the night or early morning. Lately, ever since the DST change, she wakes around 7-8am, often 7:30am. Only thing is- you are super lucky to have him take a 3 hour nap! My dd doesn’t even come close to that!

oh winth.
how did you train. can you explain little more. this is intersting and i wish to hear frome you

Hi, think it’s what’s more popularly known as the Ferber Method or the cry it out method.

The night routine, preparation for him to sleep is important.
It starts with bathtime, reading time, then milk.
Lights off while he finishes his milk. After which, I’ll just leave his room and tell him that it’s time to sleep.

The babies will typically cry when you leave as they have been trained to sleep while the parent is around.
So, you’ll need to break this sleep routine and let him fall to sleep while you’re not around.
What is in Ferber’s Method is that you leave the baby crying.
5 mins later, you pick him up (typically my boy will be on the floor), put him back to his bed, pat and say ‘sleep’.
The cries will keep coming, and you go into the room in intervals of 5 mins.

The 2nd night, you should increase the interval to 10mins, 3rd night 15 mins and so forth.
Typically, by the 3rd night, they’ll come to realise that they need to sleep on their own.

For my experience:
My 1st night, it took DS2 45 mins to go to sleep, 2nd night was obviously shorter.
It took about a week before he sleeps by himself.

Here is another similar discussion.

In regards to the ferber method, you are supposed to lay them down, leave the room, and let them cry. You are not supposed to go back into the room unless they are in distress. This is really hard to do! There is nothing worse then listening to your baby crying and screaming. But all the books say that it will be hard the first couple of nights and gradually get better. Gabriel cried for 30 minutes straight the first night. The second night he cried for 15 minutes. Then the third night he cried for only 2 minutes. After a few days, he didn’t cry at all. Now I just lay him down and tell him I love him and it’s time to go go night night, and he goes to sleep. I am so glad that I stuck with it. It’s definitely hard, but well worth it!

my son would sleep really well during the day n the night.but as soon as he turned 1.3 his schedules changed, n they continue to change every really worried as sumtimes his naps are really short.he has also lost weight.

oh my god
i dont think i can do this.
i cant leave my little one to cry just because i want her to sleep.
sleeping time must be special and she should feel calm happy when she goes to sleep

I don’t know that I could do the cry it out method either. I don’t think I have it in me and it just doesn’t feel right. Plus, I’m betting that my little girl would make herself sick from crying so hard. I’ll have to see if I can find another way or at least a way I can handle this.

The kids sleep on the way they are trained .when jake came with me to go to bed he had to have all the lights off ,no sound and if he heard a sound he get up and make a tantrum too.When he came with me I trained him all the way round in his room I have the computer and tv with sound he already went to sleep with no crying and I am wachting tv too

Jake, may I ask how you went about training your son to sleep in a different environment than he was used to previously?

I keep him busy playing in the afternoon so that he will not go to have a nap play ,games wash him and let him in bath for 30mins…do some sort of barney music lesson from kL U tube.tell him storiesand i do not switch off the tv .Istay in the room on the computer and he goes alone in bed.He wakes at 630 and we preaper to go to school.

I have 3 children with autism and they all sleep well in the evening. I agree with Jake, I get the worn out during the day and before they go to bed i give them a warm bath and I don’t give them a nap in the afternoon.

Hi there,

We too heard about what nhockaday was saying about letting your child cry. We were softies though… :blush:

I just wasn’t strong enough. Our week shedule is also very vaired with two nights during the week out and back by 10pm - so it is hard to be consistant about bed time. I have noticed too though (my son is 3 1/2 now) that if he doesn’t have a nap during the day he goes off to sleep much earlier - even as early as 6:30pm in the car and will sleep through. However, a nap in the afternoon and he can be awake at 10pm. I kind of keep a gauge on him, if I notice he’s a bit grouchy then for sure he gets the extra sleep in the afternoon. But otherwise I just let him play in the afternoon and then get him to bed by eight. One thing I found helps is not to get to stressed about the whole thing. Each child is different and you’ve got do what you feel is best.