Tms. Well, you are not alone! My daughter isn’t much of a sleeper, and like yours never has been. The most EVER, even at 1 month old, she would sleep would be about 12 hours in a 24 hour period - and usually never all at once. She is now 31 months old and only sleeps about 8-9 hours at night, no naps. My daughter never consistently napped during the day, and by 1 year old she pretty much stopped napping all together. Her bedtime is about midnight and she wakes about 8:30ish. It has only been the last 2-3 months that she has consistently slept through the night. I really really understand the sleep deprivation and the no adult time and the inability to accomplish even the easiest tasks in a day.
Yes, yes, I’ve read every sleep book I can find and have tried many many things to get her to sleep and to sleep more. All to no avail. About a year ago I gave up on the idea and started accepting the reality of my daughter. She doesn’t need as much sleep. I’ve been happier since I have just accepted my daughter for who she is - she isn’t a sleeper.
However, I am a sleeper. Before I had kids I liked my 8-9 hours a sleep myself! Now I have a kid who only sleep 8-9 hours, so it is impossible for me to get what I need. Yet, I do have a few tricks to get as much as I can. We do have a bedtime routine. We snack together, we brush our teeth together, we wash our faces together, and then we lie down in her bed to read together. This means that I am able and ready to fall asleep when she is. There is no need for me to get back up to finish anything. I like to read before falling asleep so I started reading the classics to my daughter at bedtime. It satisfies her need to be read to, and my need to read before falling asleep. Yes, this means a lot of nights I am falling asleep with her and then waking up with her - but it means I can get 8 hours. Other nights at least I am ready to crawl into my own bed and immediately fall asleep.
I am currently pregnant and if I need a nap I put a stack of books and toys beside the bed and let her play on her own. It isn’t a deep sleep, but at least it is nap, and I know she is safe beside me.
Adult time. Well, we do what we can to have lots of family time to make up for the lack of together time. It isn’t great, but it won’t be forever.
It terms of accomplishing anything, housework, projects, etc. I have basically given up. I dislike it, but the truth is I really need to lower my standards. I need to save my energy for my daughter and the basics and now growing life. No point in wasting energy cleaning a house that will be dirty 5 seconds from now. I have learned to say NO to volunteer commitments. This stage of my daughter’s life won’t last forever, but right now, she is more important.
I work really hard playing and teaching her everyday. It wears me out trying to wear her out so she will sleep more. It doesn’t matter what I do, she won’t sleep more than 9 hours.
Sleep deprived, yes, but hopefully only for another few years:)