Skirt or jeans

Definitely jeans. The dress standard for women in my husband’s worship service is skirts or dresses, and everytime I wear them I feel pouty :tongue: . Perhaps I’m a bit old to feel pouty, but I get the feeling nonetheless. Perhaps a result of unfortunate Sunday mornings in my childhood spent in the cryer room, itching uncomfortably in tulle dresses, wishing I could be gallavanting around the backyard in shorts. :happy:

its definitely jeans…

jeans…skinny jeans…

only wore skirt as a school uniform…

if i feel like a girly girl, i wear a dress…

With my kid, Jeans will be the answer, if on my own, I will prefer skirt.

Jeans- because I’m too lazy to shave my legs unless it is summer. And because I’m on my hands and knees playing all the time.

My 4yo loves dresses, the fancier and twirlier, the better!


Jeans for the most part but I do love skirts. :slight_smile:

I love putting DD in dresses or skirts because it is faster to use the potty.

Me, yoga or sweatpants. These days jeans would be considered dressing up! I remember the days of heading to the office in beautiful business suits…how my life has changed!

My 4 yr old loves dresses.

I wear mostly pants, I find jeans uncomfortable.

depends…some times skirt, sometimes pants!

jeans i would love to where skirts but i would look so funny with dark brown arms and chicken white leg! cause who has time to even out there tan!

Well typically a pants gal but I bought these beautiful wraps lately made from vintage saree’s. They are so light and comfortable they are better than pj pants. You can see them here: I just bought 6 more for summer.

The last time I can remember myself wearing a shirt out in public was in elementery school…I not a dress or skirt or shorts person. Just jeans for me.

Skirt. It flatters me. On winter time, pair it with great boots, it just looks so fabulous!

l refer jeans