Skipping words when reading out loud to herself?

If my dd is reading out loud to me and I follow along with my finger, she says the whole sentence correctly, however I am making her read more slowly. When she reads out loud to herself, she reads much more quickly and skips over the unimportant words in the sentence. I’m wondering if this is because she is speed reading and she is reading faster than she can talk? We do fast flash her word cards very quickly. Has anyone else experienced this?

Yes, yes and yes. I just went through this about , ohhh 10 minutes ago. LOL
My daughter came home with her book and she reads fast and she skips smaller words (the sight words). I have to tell her to please slow down and let’s read one word at a time.

I’m wondering if she’s spead reading too but I’m not sure. Is the content to easy? Not sure.
If someone seriously has some insight on this I’m all ears. Or is this just one of those age appropriate stages that drive us crazy until it stops? lol

I’m with you ladies!!! Every evening the same story: please, don’t skip the words. And I really hope it is because of fast reading :laugh: Glad to know that we are not alone. Oh, and I do notice, that sometimes when she points with her finger she still skips the words she is reading but then she realizes that something is wrong and reads the word that she has just skipped because her finger is still pointing at it :yes:

I’ve been mulling this over all day, & the thing that sticks out in my mind is that in order to only speak the important words, they must be reading all of them in order to sort out & only speak those important words. In this case it would make sense that their voice just can’t keep up with their brains. My dd is somewhat speech delayed, so for her it would be even harder for her voice to keep up. I’m glad to know she’s not the only one & I’m guessing then that it is a common stage that kids go through, at least when reading quite early.

same thing!!
I’ll point to the “the” or “and” or “a” “it” “is” over an over again, but I wonder if she’s just saying “come on mom, that isn’t important” but it bugs me!
IS she speed reading?? Or ignoring or what?

I think they are just speed reading. My oldest, who is now 15, used to do that and she is the fastest reader in the house. She can read at least 2 pages to my 1.

They read so fast that they do skip over words. My eldest daughter is 6 and reads full sentences now, but she did skip when she was younger. My 3 year old skips now. She reads the main words. I go over the sentence with her and point out each word. This is what I think is going on. They aren’t reading word by word. They are basically taking in a whole sentence or a chunk of a sentence at one time. I think this is why early readers read so much faster. But they do get to the point where they will say the whole sentence. Another thing you will have to work on is punctuation. My older child had to be taught how to pause on both commas and periods.

They are basically taking in a whole sentence or a chunk of a sentence at one time.

Thanks! That makes a lot of sense to me too.

Thank God, Miss S skips words all the time and I say read each word!!! I think I will relax a little more now!