Simplified v Traditional Chinese

Can someone please explain the difference to me and which one I should get for my son who is 11mths old, I dont speak any Chinese.

i also know that that the chinese character has a meaning in the way they were designed. does any body know of any website that explain it???
thank you

Simplified Chinese characters are used in China and Singapore. Traditional - in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Plus Japanese characters are traditional Chinese characters. I am teaching my son simplified Chinese mainly because mainland China uses them

Thanks so much Jane, I think when I can I will go with the simplified method as well.

click on the 7th button on the left, then click on the Chinese characters in blue on the main page to see how the chinese character was designed.

@Amelia, I am attempting to teach simplified chinese as you only need to know 2000 characters to be literate you need to know 8000 for traditional. That’s what i read on the internet whether that is true or not is another thing but 2000 characters is easier than 8000

Thanks Kim :slight_smile: Hope all is well with your two girls :slight_smile:

thank you reei

Karma to you too ;-D