sight reading

i have been showing my now 4 years old words and read a lot for her ,now she can read almost everything by sounding out but would never shout the word by sight even a word that she read phonetically 100 times , and of course she gets stuck with irregular words . it is for me very different from how her older sister learned to read ( whole words speed reading ) . she still enjoys me reading to her but she never pays attention to the reading words , yes every time i read a book it is her turn to read it to me but for her reading mean holding the book retelling the story from memory by looking at the pictures and wow she is so good at that so articulated .
you’ll drive her crazy but presenting her with books like the ball is read , sam sat on pam …
picutre books she can recite them but not read them .
what else i can do stick some sight words on the wall or flash them repeatedly till she sound them back to me . i am scared i will bore her to death with this drilling technique , but unlike babies which i believe we should never test at her age she should be able to read out a word if she can and she can talk when she wants believe me .
please advice me on what worked for you . dad dude i use your cards and she loves them but even after a week of her reading them and she sounds them out so fast , she still won’t read the word the fast way immediately .

Not sure I understand. Is she reading phonetically or by sight?

I think she means that the kid is reading phonetically like gar-den and not “garden” straight away by sight.

Well, if she is reading phonetically, let her continue that way. She is 4 years old and if she is reading right phonetically, then I don’t think there is anything to worry about it. Sight reading is for babies and younger ones who cannot read phonetically. If you are worried about “speed reading”, then I am not sure what to say…Perhaps it will come with practice.

Regarding holding the book and reciting the story from the pictures, perhaps she is more interested in the story than actually reading. Not all children cultivate the interest to read immediately. They develop it over time. Try and see what sort of stories she is interested in and get those books (with not so many self-explanatory pics). It might encourage her to read to get the story.